My sadness suffocates me

1 minute read time.
Well a hospital bed arrived on Friday. Which sort of confirmed everything that we had been told. There was a quietness about the house, as we all came to realise this will be where he falls asleep and gets his angel wings. My brother is too sick to have his Chemo so he was sent home to enjoy what time he had left. I think if he wasnt in so much pain and wasnt so scared I might be able to cope better, but its watching him fading away before my very eyes. This is the boy I played with as a child, fought with, cried at his wedding, cried at the birth of his babies and now I have to cry because Im losing him. He wont sleep in the hospital bed, because he fights every ounce of sleep - he drops off for a few minutes then wakes up. He is still a young man, yet he looks like an old man because this damm desease has ravaged his beautiful face and body. He did however have his stent fitted after major cockups and had his beans, not on toast, but with scrambled eggs. He said he missed the feeling and taste of food in his mouth - something I take for granted on a daily basis. Yesterday he had a bad day and i feel each day is getting a little harder for him and his fight and also for us to watch him suffer. Sorry if I am rambling I have had yet another sleepless night and soon the house will be awake again and my son will be skipping around looking for school books and sports equipment and he will wander downstairs and say "morning mummy - i love you can i have my breakfast" and it makes me smile, cos he says that every single day and as young as he is cannot see the tiredness or the sadness that must surround me. I will keep you posted.
  • FormerMember

    How sad this all is for you.  It's hard enough knowing, but to watch him going down...

    PLEASE go to my profile and read my story.

    I will be praying for you.

  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    I just read your blog and after drying the tears from my eyes I wanted to reply to you to give you some support and encouragement through this sad sad time, I have no magic words that could make you feel any better, I just wanted to say my heart really goes out to you and your family - this disease is so incidious and totally random about its victims.

    I will remember you and your brother in my prayers.

    Love and hugs and keep as stronge as you can through all of this.

    Susie Wong :-)