8th April 2010 - Pre-op assessment

Less than one minute read time.

My fiance was able to get time off work to attend my pre-op assesment with me; this time it was back at my local hospital so only about 15 mins away.  From memory we were only  there for a couple of hours over all...

First they took my weight, height, blood pressure and BMI.  Next I sat down with a nurse to go through a 16 page form.  She also gave me lots of leaflets to take away and read about anaesthetics, deep vein thrombosis, lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy, visitor guide, carer's guide for post-surgery, and a few other bits I forget now

Finally I had an ECG (had the odd palpitations in the past so I guess playing it safe) followed by blood tests before going home. My fiance went back to work then I spent the afternoon sorting out last minute wedding tasks, including collecting the waistcoats and cravats from the parcel depot as I had missed the delivery by not being home!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mia,

    Its all good fun having your pre-op assesment, All the fun of having needles stuck in you arm.the old Blood pressure test just when the band on your arm

    begins to tighten and you think your arms going to burst, it starts easing. Then the real fun bit when you go for your ECG and you have to stay perfectly still and breath normally,suddenly you start to twitch

    and the breathing becomes eratic. The Nurse then looks at you and says can you not lie at peace. To which you say Im trying my bloody best. So after filling in all the forms. They give you all these leaflets

    that tell you how many ways you can die. During the operation. Oh I nearly forgot the Urine sample now thats a trick and a half anyway you manage eventually. Then off you go Home in a perfect state of mind. Well that was not so bad was it. Good Luck

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    I had my pre-op the day I got diagnosed. I remember my husband (then fiance) and my mum and dad sitting outside the room with faces hitting the floor and I was so upbeat. The nurse I spoke actually said, I can tell from your attitude you are going to get through this, and I have!

    Reading your post is bringing it all back. I wish I had written down my experiences as they happened so I could have something to look back on and see how far I have come.

    Best wishes, Christine xx