6th April 2010 - the value of BCN support

3 minute read time.

On D-Day my breast care nurse (BCN) suggested that I e-mail her a list of questions over the weekend so that we could go through those and information about the upcoming surgery at our next appointment which she scheduled for 6th April 2010.

So back to the specialist centre I went, once again with my fiance who wants to be part of everything at the moment (for which I am very grateful) :)  My list was rather long (see below) and as it turns out actually covered off much of the stuff she wanted to speak with me about.  She was very helpful.  She had also arranged an appointment for me with a fertility specialist the next day at another hospital within the trust and my pre-op for the following day!  It was going to be a busy week!

This is the list of questions I asked her (it was a mix of things I'd come across from various resources combined with my own questions); I provide it here in the hope it saves someone else going through the same thing some time. (NOTE: I got my answers to all of these questions during the session but I haven't typed up the answers here.)


1.     I was told I have grade 3 invasive ductal breast cancer.  Is it a particular type of lump (e.g. Medullary, Mucinous (colloid), Phyllodes or Tubular) or is it just a malignant fibroadenoma?  I ask because looking at the ultrasound the shape looked incredibly 'neat' with the exception of one teeny bit (and I understand that the surivival chances for different types vary).


2.     I received a call from my GP on Thursday confirming they had received word of the diagnosis and that I would be going into surgery for a Wide Local Excision.  The consultant who delivered the diagnosis had referred to a lumpectomy rather than WLE.  What is the difference between a lumpectomy and a WLE or are they just different terms for the same thing? 

3.     Am I having a WLE in order to get clear margins because it is a malignant tumour?

4.     What will the pre-op assessment involve?

5.     Anything special / unusual  should I pack in overnight bag for the hospital stay other than nightwear and toilitries?

6.     Can I eat and drink as normal the night before and on the day of surgery?

7.     How long will the procedure take?

8.     Will I be having a sentinel node biopsy or will they take 4 or so lymphnodes out for testing?

9.     How long will it be before I wake up afterwards?

10.  Will my husband be able to see me before and after the operation?

11.  Where is the waiting area for him whilst I am in surgery?

12.  Will I be able to go home first thing the next day?

13.  Black skin scars very easily and takes forever to fade.  How soon can I start using bio-oil on the wound?

14.  Will I see you again after the operation for advice on how to look after the wound or will the come from the surgeon?

15.  Will I get the histology results (2 weeks later) down at the specialist centre again or the clinic at my local hospital?


16.  Can I get anti-sickness drugs? I hate vomiting, can count number of times in my adult life on one hand.

17.  How soon after the histology report will I meet the oncologist to discuss drug treatment options? Think you said one week but can't recall.

18.  On the assumption that I will lose my hair, would I qualify for a free wig?

a.     If so, how soon could we look at this in order to get a style that suits me?

b.    Is there anything in the county akin to the BCC HeadStrong service to help advise on scarves, etc.


19.  If the surgery removes the lump with clear margins and the chemotherapy takes care of any rogue cancer cells, why would I need rads too?


20.  Did you manage to make an appointment for me to see the fertility specialist in relation to the effects of chemotherapy?

21.  Should I assume eggs may need harvesting and start recording my BBT now?


22.  Can I be gene-tested for BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 so that the results are then available for my niece should she choose to be tested in the future?  This was a problem for me with all the relatives being abroad or dead already.

General Questions

23.  Is hospital transport available or do I need to make my own arrangements when my husband is unable to drive me?

24.  Can you give me form FP92A so I can apply for prescription exemption?

25.  As I will be off sick from work for a few months at least, is there any reason you would advise against getting a dog to keep me company?

