Bit of an update

5 minute read time.


My darling daddy is disappearing in front of my eyes and there is nothing I can do about it.

Yesterday was truly dreadful, dad was a bit moody in the morning but nothing bad so mum went off to work at about 12 she got a call from our lovely neighbour to say Iain Rennie were outside and getting no answer should she go in so mum said no she would call, called three time no answer so called back and said yes please go in.

She went into find dad stuck half on and half off his bed in so much pain he couldn't move, sobbing and in as you can imagine a terrible state. Gill let the Iain Rennie Nurse in and they got him back on the bed and cleaned up (my god this is my dad I am talking about who is 56 not some old man!) and Gill called mum who came straight home with the doctor. Mum then called me in tears and asked me to go over.

I can honestly say I was shocked and devastated by what I saw my dad was in such a state - made worse by the fact that by the time I got there (I only work 5 miles away) the doc had given him massive pain killers and sedatives. I head his hand and told him it was ok whilst tears rolled down my face. We had to get him on the bed better as he was still right on the edge and sadly this meant a whole lot more pain for dad but we did it quickly with the help of the two iain rennie nurses an thankfully he did then settle a fair bit.

They wanted him into the hospice but couldn't get a bed so yesterday I stayed with mum and dad all afternoon, hand feeding and giving water and helping your dad to the loo is not an experience I would wish on anyone but I don't feel mum can take it all on herself.

This morning he is in the hospice to be assessed and hopefully stay in for a few nights on pain review. I don't want him in the hospice but after yesterday mum and I both agreed he needs to be where ever best to stop the pain. Getting to the hospice was a challenge in itself it took my brother, mum and me 45 mins to get him down the stairs, he has no idea where his feet are and so James had to help him get his feet down whilst mum and I support him and help him down, this isn't easy as he is so scared it is going to hurt when we touch him.

The doctor is worried about what suddenly caused such an onset of pain and he has suddenly developed a really nasty cough which could be an infection or the start of the lung cancer effecting his breathing.


Dad is doing ok, as well as he can be anyway, he has had a half cast put onto his upper arm to help with the pain in his broken arm and is on a syringe driver which is helping with pain although is still need some top ups through the day. He is suffering really badly with cold sweats which they think is the morphine but it is being closely monitored.

He has been having quite a few visitors, word has got round to his friends and quite a few people who used to come into the pub when mum and dad ran it and they are all popping in which I think has surprised him and done him some good.

At the moment it is too easy to kid myself things are ok as his pain is under control so it seems like he isn't so bad but I know it is.

He has had a few time when they have had to use a winch type thing to move him up the bed as he can't move himself, we are having to help him eat due to the broken arm and the nurses are helping with toilet and washing.

They are truly amazing in the Florence Nightingale and if anyone wanted to support a truly amazing cancer support unit I would suggest them.

Back at work today after a few days off as got the feeling to much time off would cause a problem, it is a little frustrating as by 6.30 dad is really tired and hardly awake so although I will of course go and see him it won't be for long or to chat much. At least I spent half of Monday and all day tuesday and wednesday with him this week.


10:10 10/10 Was the date and time we said put last goodbye to my wonderful amazing dad.

Knowing he is finally out of pain makes things a little more bearable but knowing all the things that are yet to happen on my life that I won't be able to share with him is not so bearable.


Are you ok? How are you doing? Not too bad, fine, I'm ok, doing alright, getting there.

How else are you meant to reply?

Actually I am bloody rubbish on the edge of cry and really not ok! All I want to do is get into bed and cry, and can't see myself getting there anytime soon!


Keep thinking I am doing ok and then out of no where I am really not. Worried I have come back to work too soon I can't concentrate or get motivated at all, felt like a faker being off as most days I was ok, plus due to the type of work they do both my sister and bro went back quicker than me so felt wrong to be off.

I don't even know what I feel, really thought I would be ok today but once again I am not.

Poor Tom must be bored of passing me tissues every evening!

I have to be strong for mum and so need to get control of myself just not sure how.

It has been 3 weeks today and I am almost worse than I was before.


I haven't cried in a few days, keep feeling I need to but it doesn't come. I feel empty, heavy and like I have a dark cloud over me. I feel robbed that he had to go at only 57 and that I only just got 31 years with him. I miss my dad more than I could of ever thought possible.

  • FormerMember

    Hi J-Donald,

    Its a long hard road ahead of you. Greiving takes a long time it does get easier but not overnight. But remember all the great memories you had with you Dad. The laughter and the fun you had together and remember he is never far away, he will always be in your heart. So when you feel down get the photographs out , and let the good times back into your mind.   You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield. May your Dad R.I.P. my thoughts are with you and your family. Look after eachother.x

  • FormerMember

    Hi J-Donald

    First of all my condolences on your loss.  It's so hard to lose a parent - I lost my Dad when I was 19 and still miss him terribly sometimes.

    That big dark cloud is going to be around for quite a while I'm afraid but I promise you, it will eventually disappear.  That of course is no consolation at the moment and I do know the pain you are feeling is like a huge weight inside your chest that seems to want to stop you breathing.  One day you will wake up and the cloud will have gone, the pain will be easier and will eventually go altogether and you will be able to breathe easily again.  But in the meantime you have the journey of grieving to traverse and sometimes this is not an easy path.  We are all different and there are no rules to follow and you can only do what is right for you.

    Please take good care of yourself as well as your Mam and when you need some love and support we will be here for you.

    May your beloved father rest peacefully now he is free from his pain.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • So sorry for your loss. I hope that as time goes by your acute pain eases somewhat. It is heartbreaking to lose someone you love. You are the same age as my daughter and I know she misses her dad terribly. (he died in March 2009 of NSCLC).

    As has been said, the only consolation (if there is any) in all this is that your wonderful dad is no longer in pain x x

    Love and angel hugs to you and your family. x xx Patricia x x x

    p.s. try not to be so hard on yourself. Everyone grieves differently.

  • FormerMember

    Oh my poor darling, tears filled my eyes reading that.  Please don't even think about 'being normal' or getting over it, you need to do what you need to do, if you need to go to bed and cry you should do that and don't compare yourself to your siblings, everyong handles things differently and their jobs are no doubt very different too.

    i really don't know what to say to ease your pain as I'm heading down that road myself, memories of pain that fear that are yet to come. You were fantastic and were there for your dad and he will always be with you.  He was far too young to go, it is not fair, you should have your dad forever.  But you had 31 fantastic years and he will never you.  I'm sorry my words are so rubbish, I can imagine people saying these things to me and they will mean absolutely nothing and won't stop the pain.

    If there's anything you need, please get in touch with me, always here for you xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi J Donald,

    I am so sorry your lovely dad is gone and you're feeling like this. I'm 4 and a bit months further on than you, my dad died of NSCLC at the end of May, and I don't feel like I'm over it. Things are slightly easier in that it's not my every thought all the time but it's still a lot of them and I still feel that I'm in the first stages of grief. I know that once the funeral is done and for everyone who isn't in your family things are going back to normal it can feel like the world has forgotten that something awful has happened to you, like you should have been back to normal too by now but that's not the case, it's just that other people have other things to occupy them, the gap in their life isn't as big as the gap in yours. You're right, he was FAR too young, my dad was 58 so about the same age and I'd also had 31 years. It isn't enough. I always thought there would be so many more, I didn't take the time to appreciate every tiny special and funny moment I had with my dad because I didn't know he'd be gone so soon, I regret that more than I can say but it can't be changed now. You were there for your dad when he needed you, he knew you loved him and you know he loved you, one day that may be a comfort and at least this vile disease isn't causing him pain and suffering any more, he's free of it now, even if you and your family aren't. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time, you can't recover from this quickly, grief takes time. If I can do anything to help, even just offer a shoulder to cry on or someone to rant at, please let me know! All the best, love Vikki x