
1 minute read time.

As you may or may not be aware, I have a trip coming up. Since Laing died, I have done weekends in Venice (twice), Zurich and Berlin, all special places for us.

I have my first long haul flight coming up soon, a trip across the pond. I cannot abide the thought of sitting next to anybody on a long flight, so I am paying big bucks to be alone. No, not a private jet, but what a thought! I didn't even consider that option!

I am almost totally packed. I've made a check list of things I know I haven't dealt with yet or packed and I am as excited as can be. On my weekends away I was nervous about ensuring I had packed everything. I made one or two mistakes, but my toiletries boxes are packed, so is my electronics box (plugs, adapters, computer leads) and my camera accessories, battery chargers and so on are in labelled boxes for different cameras. I cannot part with any of Laing's cameras and I might even use them, despite their age.

So the key to life on one's own, I am most definitely not alone, is organisation.

I had another of my small achievements yesterday evening. The pyracantha by the front door needed trimming, so I snipped it here and there after supper. This morning as I left the house it looked so much better. It still needs more work doing on it, but the improvement in its appearance put a spring in my step. The berries are always a welcome sight and extra food for the birds, especially as very few people now feed them. Slowly I am regaining my dignity and pride in my self worth. It is all these little steps that contribute to the finished product. Every march begins with a single step.

