I hate blogging

2 minute read time.

I know what you're thinking.

"Oh no, he's off his trolley again."

Well, yes and no. Yes I am here writing a blog and I don't want to. You see, the reason I hate blogging is trying to find something to say. Now is not the time to beat around the bush. I am an old-fashioned curmudgeonly, incalcitrant, contrary and contrarian type.

You see, the world is full of unnecessary noise, both literal and figurative. Google for images of Venice and you will see the same photos time after time. But there is another Venice that has a beauty that nobody except those of us who furtively lurk in the shadows and back streets and alleyways know. Try to find an image of that and you will have your work cut out. Look around and you will see not just the view but the quirky. Who would have thought at the top of the Rialto, as I was on a nose following exploration of familiar pathways, I should come across a Moslem woman and a Jew being photographed by their respective partners:

but the nonconformist in me thinks colour is wrong (so to B&W) and without some manipulation to make it look like a film type it would look like a digital photo made B&W:

There, that's better. It don't look like it must have been taken in 2013. Once off the major thoroughfares I bumped into a Japanese guy I met and I showed him where a scene from Summertime (a Katherine Hepburn movie, I love it) was filmed and showed him the scene on my iPad mini (what a wonderful device) and there were kids playing there so here's a memento of that moment:

Now because these images are not the usual, "And this is Auntie Ethel five minutes later after she had a little mishap with her … trouble" type photos, there is something special and different about them, but I knowing Venice better than a first time visitor I know I can wander about and find the unexpected as I am not looking at "the view".

One can read so many blogs where the view put forward is like that of the Grand Canal from the top of the Rialto or Academia bridges. Trust me I have read them. Some annoying boring twerp who thinks he knows it all just because … whoops, am I starting to describe myself here?

So I hate blogging if it means
(1) I am not adding to the sum of human knowledge or experience,
(2) coming up with something new is not easy,
(3) there's enough stuff out there already, and
(4) there's little that's new under the sun. 

But I want to blog if there is something worth saying. Was this blog worth it? I've no idea. You tell me. I am writing in a vacuum not knowing who or how many of you are interested either:
(A) A lot
(B) Quite a lot
(C) So-so
(D) Not very
(E) Oh do shut up you annoying boring twerp.

Thank heavens Macmillan hasn't introduced a voting button, or have I made the fatal mistake of putting an idea in the collective mind? SHUT UP TIM!!!

  • FormerMember

    I think your blog is great Tim - don't over think it!

    That woman in the photo you took is so beautiful :)

  • FormerMember

    I love your blog too Tim.  I look forward to reading it every day.  You write so well, and I find what you have to say very interesting.   I've been curious too as to where this recent travelling is taking you.   Thought you were just off to the West Coast of America, but every day you seem to be in a different place.  So as long as you are enjoying doing your blog, please don't stop! 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim, another vote (on the virtual voting button!) for the blogging to continue. Apart from the great stories of your travels, your blog does what it sets out to do in your description of its purpose, and gives hope and a little ray of light to those embarking now, or at any point in the future, on a similar journey without a loved one. So, keep the light shining for us all!  

  • FormerMember

    Please don't stop Tim its (A) for me .

  • FormerMember
    Hi Tim. I have only just read your blog but I enjoyed it too. Please carry on! A rating from me