
1 minute read time.

After extolling my virtues with my preparedness for holidays, now it is time to admit to the truth. 


By and large, I am hopeless at day to filing. I have started folders for bank accounts and I am keeping them up to date. I now need to buy more ring binders and file away the post I receive that is either important or useful, like my roofing company. The reason I mention this in particular is that we had had a leak problem that Laing never addressed. I bit that bullet after he died and I got the chimney capped, but I was warned that may not be the cure, given what the chap could see. Sadly, his expertise proved he was right, so at 4.45 I was awake with the rain beating down outside and I heard the unmistakeable dripping sound. So I wrote an e-mail admitting I cannot find the estimate but I want them to come round with a new one (as it had expired) and get on with it ASAP.

So there is another project that will probably take me all my remaining days, to file and weed my physical correspondence. E-mail has encouraged my laziness as I can create folders at will, and thanks to my laziness/uselessness I rarely delete any folders until some 10 years or so have elapsed when I have a minor purge.

If you are generally disorganised, I suggest you use clear folders and those wonderful clear pockets into which you can file away your correspondence. Which reminds me, I need to add more folders and pockets from Rymans to my shopping list. After all, as Laing quite rightly said, if it's not on the shopping list it doesn't get bought. Come to think of it, my mother had a little pad and she wrote out here shopping list. So it's not just Laing and I getting forgetful when we go supermarket shopping. I dare any ladies reading to admit they need the physical shopping list and cannot remember everything in their heads.

It's time for humility all round.
