The first visit to the Breast Clinic

Less than one minute read time.

I'm finally at the Breast Clinic. I'm on my own because our little one is at home, and my husband stayed with him. I actually didn't mind to be alone. Sometimes I like it because I can work out my own feelings and thoughts about things. They do a mammogram, an ultrasound, and biopsy. They also do the clip insertion. Then the doctor comes and tells me they see something worrying but can't tell me with certainty until the biopsy results. She explains that it doesn't look too big (just around 2cm) and it looks contained. If it's cancerous, she will want to remove it soon. I'm shocked. Then they do another mammogram to check the clip is placed correctly. They tell me the results of the biopsy would come in around 2 weeks.

My husband picks me up and we both cry a bit in the car. We go out and have dinner with the children to cheer us all up. (We haven't told our daughter yet because it's early)
