So tired

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The baby didnt sleep well last night. He was up & down all night coughing so ive had very little sleep. He has gone to nursery & im now at work. 
J spent most of yesterday in bed, we saw him for about half an hour at teat time. Hes still in bed as i type this (09:19). 

I cant imagine how hard it is for him & how much he must be struggling but selfishly i envy being able to sleep more than a few hours. I havent slept in our bed since the end of August. I split my nights between the sofa or a fold out bed in the babys room. 

  • Hi Clairerobo, I hope the baby sleeps and you have a better night tonight. I’m still up as the steroids I am on kept me awake most of last night, so I’m hoping staying up will tire me out a bit more and I can get a few zzzzzs tonight. I’ve dozed in front of the tv today but also went for a half hour walk. Take care xx

  • Hi Claire.  I have 5 and 6 year old boys.  My 6 year old never sleeps so I am getting up every night as my husband is too ill.  I totally get how you feel and the exhaustion makes me tired, angry and sad.