Mum has passed

1 minute read time.
Yesterday at 5pm mum reached the end of her journey and her battle with stomach cancer. She fought so hard and noone could be prouder She was in the hospice a total of 3 weeks and a day, on the whole the level of care was good but we do feel the morphine doses she was given were questionable. We did raise this with the doctor several times who said their philosophy is no pain. The ending was calm and peaceful and very very fast, we gave her permission to go and after that she was gone within 30 minutes with me and my dad at her side. I miss her already but we really lost her about 6 months ago with her being so poorly and in and out of hospital with the acities. The shock is starting to wear off and now the physical pain is starting and I feel like my heart is physically breaking. The journey has been exhausting, overwhelming, confusing, frustrating and devastating. It has also been one where I got to really know my mum and dad so well over the last 19 months of her battle. She is no longer in pain or suffering or pumped full of morphine or iv drivers going through her arm and I get comfort in that. Readjusting to a new kind of normal is something dad and I will now work on together but the massive void of mum will never be filled but just celebrated.
  • FormerMember
    I also know the pain of losing a parent , my dad died of bowel cancer and on the day he finally died we prayed for him to go to stop his pain and suffering, he fought so hard to stay with us and like you we had to tell him it was ok to leave us. I miss him every day but was glad when his pain ended. Sending you a huge hug and strength to help you and your dad through his terrible loss. X
  • FormerMember

    Hi Esther

    I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I am really struggling with the grief, in the sense of when does it really kick in? I appear to be in the stage that I am glad she is out of pain and she was so ill for 6 months before I felt that we lost her then? How did you cope? Sally xxx