Coming towards the end now

2 minute read time.

I havent been on here for some time to add a post. After our October 2011 diagnosis of my wonderful mum having 1 year to live with advanced stomach cancer, we enjoyed a really good 9 months of her health improving after a very heavy and intense chemo session from Oct-Jan 2012. We just got stronger and stronger and went on holiday, she returned on 1st October from Lanzarote looking well but her gall bladder (how they found the cancer and impossible to remove) was playing up and getting worse. She took morphine for it and continued to increase the dose through October, by November her tummy was starting to swell up and her ankles and was feeling weak and losing weight. What then followed were 3, 1 week visits to the hospital to have the fluide (acities) drained off, every time she caught a water infection and weakened. On 30th December after a Christmas of her being ill and my dad catching Shingles on his head she wasnt looking good at all so we called an ambulance for her, she was weak, in need of fluids, antibiotics to get rid of the water infections and needed the fluid draining off her tummy again. The morphine and the antibiotics caused hallucinations and they even sent her for a brain CT to see if it was anything nasty, which thankfully it wasn't. Since she has been out of hospital she has been very low and requires round the clock care. As I recently separated from my husband, my mum and dad are I are the only family. I am so incredibly proud of my mums fight, she has been brave and focused, she never let her good quality of life stop her, so seeing her in pain and poorly is heartbreaking. My dad has tried really hard but as she is ill himself its been a struggle for him, but he has taken brilliant care of her. I am also proud of myself, to have the strength to go through my mum's battle, deal with my dad, deal with a separation and house sale and stressful job. Sometimes having everything thrown at you at once is overwhelming and the stress of it all makes me feel physically sick but I feel so lucky to have had quality time with my parents over the last year. I really got to know then well, not just as parents but as friends. I got to talk to them about things I would probably never have talked about before. Mum's condition is rapidly deteriorating, she can barely eat and is weak and thin. I just wish people didnt need to suffer like this towards the end, if I left my dog to suffer like this I would be arrested. Overall when I summarise her care, so far it hasn't been inspiring,her GP surgery has been poor, made errors on her medication and showed little compassion. The hospital in general has been good, but slow to diagnose infections and Macmillan nurses have been relatively OK. What astounds me is that you are left to guess what to do, there is a general feel for a lack of support and who to turn to for quick answers to help with my mums comfort. I think there is a gap here that needs to be filled. My mum is genuinely a wonderful person, and I am incredibly honoured and proud that she is my mum and I love her with all my heart.

  • FormerMember

    Hi sally

    I am so sorry to read about your mum, it is the most hellish thing to have to watch and you feel so helpless, you sound like a fantastic daughter to your parents.  I am going through similar, dad was given 9 months in November 2012 and its just one big horrible rollercoaster.  I don't know how you are managing with all the things going on in your life,  cancer is bad enough without a seperation on top so I wanted to give you a big hug and tell you that you are doing a great job.  Stay strong xxx 

  • FormerMember
    Thanks Law and I definitely need the hugs x I'm so sorry to hear about your dad too. You are totally right, it's a roller coaster, it's the only way to describe it. My only advice is really treasure the good days. I have been seeing a counsellor since my mum was first diagnosed and its been a massive help, it's the sanest thing I have ever done. Yes life is incredibly tough, but I just keep going for my mum and dad and well it's what you do isn't it. I feel v fortunate to have built an incredible relationship with my parents over the last 15 months Big hugs to you too Sally xxxx
  • FormerMember

    The counselling I think is a very positive thing, if there can ever be A positive thing in this vile cancer haze, I am waiting for my appointment to come through for my counselling, I am hoping to get some strength from it.   My dads first esophageal tumour was found 5 years ago, he was so lucky to get curative surgery, only 2 weeks before his latest diagnosis, he was given the all clear, then the bomb was dropped on us.  Dad is very angry and impatient with us and I so desperately want to have those special and precioius times with him but he has shut us out, its great that your family has used your mums time to nurture each other, I wish my dad would do the same, cancer changes people doesnt it, I miss him so much and he is still here. X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Law, Conselling is fantastic and by far the best thing to come out of all this, not just coming to terms with my mum but also for me too. I am so very sorry for your dad too, it will take some time for your dad to get to terms with this. Are Macmillan coming in? They also offer emotional support so would be good to speak to someone. I expect he is very scared but as with most men they dont always open up, I know this as my dad is the same. I do know what you mean about missing them and them still being there too. Keep the counselling up for as long as you can too, my only advice. Keep in touch and much love. Sally x

  • FormerMember
    Hello Sally. I am new here and came to find some straightforward details about what to expect. Thank you for your blog entries, and for those that have commented. It's what I was looking for. It can't have been easy to write, but I wanted to say how much it means to me to read your feelings and practical experience. Best wishes Carol X