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I'm new to this, after having read other blogs thought i'd have a go at writing mine. My husband was diagnosed with Oesophegal cancer which has spread to his liver and lungs, in early June. He hadn't felt well for a few weeks nothing specific, just a cough and a pain in his chest every now and then. We're keen walkers and cyclists and for his 50th birthday in May we went on a walking weekend, walking 13 miles on his birthday. As he still felt unwell when we got back i insisted he go to the doctors, who took blood tests and arranged an ultrasound scan. When we got the results back, the doctor told us he had secondary cancer in his liver and lungs and it was inoperable. After seeing the doctors at the hospital and having an endoscopy and CT scan, we were told the primary was in his oesophagus. I can't believe how quickly he has deteriorated in the last few weeks from a fit man to someone who has lost a lot of weight and can barely walk a few yards without being exhausted. We are going to The Christie hospital in Manchester on Wednesday to see the specialist and talk over options. I have tried to stay positive for the rest of the family, but have felt really down and tearful today with the seriousness and the enormity of it beginning to hit home. You try and stay positive but sometimes it's just so overwhelming.