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Hi, I was just wondering if anyone has any tips for me. I finished Radiotherapy at the end of October . Now on herceptin and things seem to be going well apart from being extremely tired most of the time... I am ok if i don't go running around like i did before this all kicked off....

   I know other people at the same stage of treatment who are back in work while i am sitting there thinking i couldn't do a 2 hour shift on my feet let alone the 9 hours I normally did...

  Just interested to know if whats happening is 'normal' ?


  • FormerMember

    Hi Lainey,

    Im just like you 12yrs ago I had my Larynx and Thyroid Gland removed. I then had 36 courses of radio. To this present day I get tired very easy the slightest bit of effort and thats me for at least a couple of hours. I could say that you get used to it but you dont, you learn to live with it. Sorry if that sounds negative. All the best and look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hiya Lainey

    I've been on Herceptin for over 2 years now and although I feel mainly fine, could not imagine at all going to an office for 9 hours a day (luckily, I "work", although not that much, from home).  I wouldn't beat yourself up about this.  It's only been under 5 months so far for you - I had over 2 months where I simply slept all day as well as night!  Are you on Herceptin just for 18 months?  If so, you might have to accept that you kind of write that off as far as full-time employment is concerned: the side-effect of tiredness is very common.

    Hope all goes well for you


  • FormerMember

    Thank you both for your replies.. It reassures me that it's not just me that feels that way. Likewise I do feel ok it just feels like my get up and go has got up and gone without me.... Yea 18 sessions of Herceptin, just had my 5th one. I can be a bit more relaxed about it knowing that its just one of those things .

    Thank you both again for your replies. Likewise I hope all goes well with you.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Lorraine

    Three and half years ago I had an op for removal of tumour on the base of my tongue and lumph nodes on one side of my neck.  Chemo and Radiotherapy for 6 weeks followed.  During the treatment I was so ill I had to stay in hospital and I slept most of the time.  When I got out of hospital I still had a tracheostomy because of complications and I found I would have to sleep in the afternoon as well as a good nights sleep.  Like you any effort would result in a need to at least rest if not sleep.  For other reasons my GP decided to do a full blood test and found I had hypothyroidism which was the main reason for my tiredness.  This was soon sorted with thyroxin and I didnt feel so tired after that.  

    It may be nothing to do with your tiredness as the radiotherapy certainly knocks the stuffing out of you but you could get it checked.

    Best wishes and keep resting, dont fight it.
