
Less than one minute read time.

Not been on here for a while. My  heads been a bit , ohh i dunno how to describe it. Since the start of this journey, after the initial shock had sunk in...i had felt very up beat and positive ... I know  the worst of it's behind me.. Nearing the end of treatment (Roll on November)  But  these last few weeks all I want to do is cry (I've not given into it cos I know I really have no reason to be this way)

  Stupid dreams, about people I've not seen or thought about in years (some going back to childhood)...

Not telling people how I am feeling because they have enough to worry about without me adding.. But this being strong all the time.. Kidding on that I'm fine is just hard to do just now...

i need to get rid of the pity party going on in my head because I know there are worse things happening to other people.. 

sorry for the whinging blog...

Ok Tomorrow is a new day.......



  • FormerMember

    Hi Lainey

    Please, please don't apologise.  There are many people on here who know exactly what you are going through and someone once told me that you are allowed to feel sorry for yourself.  You can't be strong all of the time.  You're not a machine but a living, breathing human being with feelings and emotions.

    If you can't tell anyone close to you, pour your heart out on this site.  There will always be somebody on hand to listen and give comfort and advice.  And do cry if you want to - holding it all in is no good for anyone.

    I'm so sorry you are going through a bad time emotionally right now.  Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason why we feel the way we do.  

    Thinking of you and sending you lots of love and hugs.

    Madge x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lainey

    Sorrry love that today is a bad one for you. Its understandable really though....you cant stay in overdrive through all the journey...you have to have a stop off sometimes, today is yours.

    We all do that "Im fine thanks", even carers, as no-one wants to upset others or drive them away. I have a fantastic sister-in-law that I off load to about how I feel....Is there someone you can do the same with?...If not, we are here to help you get through the rough days. Have a good cry, our bodies tell us when we are tired and need rest , maybe its telling you its ok to cry....cos it is you know.

    sending you a big hug for better days

    Shaz (((((((((((((((((((Lainey)))))))))))))))))))

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lainey, Just wanted to send love and support. We all have bad days and it is a hard road to walk. Hope you will feel comforted by the care and support coming your way from everyone. Wendy x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your replies. I read them this morning and the tears flowed.Feeling better just doing that ..

    Again thank you for taking the time to reply.

    x x x