ESP medical thingie

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I recieved a phone call 2 weeks ago about going for a medical because I am claiming ESP. Having heard all the horror stories and things being said I cant begin to tell you how stressed I was about going for this.

My appointment was today, by the time I reached the examination center I wasn't really worth a button. I was called in after 10 mins in the waiting room and can honestly say I was shocked. The Nurse was mortified that I had to attend and said that anyone being treated for cancer shouldn't be called. She couldn't apologise enough and said they are actually changing the rules and that clearly it had been an error that I was called in.

Home exhausted after having to trail into town but so relieved that I dont have the stress of work to face at this point.

 Hope this helps anyone else in the same position

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lainey B,

    Sorry to hear you had to go through it all again. At least you got it sorted. You Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    i just got a letter stating that if i didnt fill in the form they sent me from the medical examination board by the 21st they were stopping my money excuse me i havent received a form yet so how can i fill it in only 2 weeks ago i asked them why i hadnt received my ,omey which was due to be put up so they have all the info they need even asked me for my doctors phone no so they could call him and verify my illness now this im so fed up with no one knowing what the other one is bloody doing they have it all on file for gods sake and i have to go to the doctors again now for more confirmation do they think i go for chemo for the bloody fun of it im not lying iive got cancer for gods sake its so annoying!!!!!!

    love jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lainey

    Good for you that's just how it should be. I actually went back to work because I couldn't face the medical and being questioned on my 'fitness' for work. Fortunately it has turned out ok but it could have been a whole different story. At the time I certainly didn't feel ready but I have coped. I felt very pressurised and harassed by the ESA people and just couldn't bear to deal with them anymore. Sadly not everyone is able to get back to work and are suffering the degredation of having to 'prove' their illness.

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    Glad everything worked out :D

    I'm geuinely proud to call you my mum :)

    So proud of everything you've done and come through, you've remainded strong throughout.

    I couldn't ask for a better mum :)


  • FormerMember

    Thank you sarsfiled x

    jen hang on in there, call your local councillor in and anyone else with a voice. Its bad enough fighting the illness without having to fight for benefits

    Max totally understand I was giving up and had said i would go back to work but it would have been imposible in reality. 12 hours on my feet isnt possible.... I was ade to feel like a criminal for claiming benefits even though I've worked since I was 16. I was lucky I had someone to take up the fight for me.

    and to Bee_Face  (((((((hugs)))))))