Anna - first chemo session

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Had my first chemo five days ago and hoping I don’t fall at the first hurdle as I am finding it hard to not be my jolly self at the moment. Mainly my legs don’t seem to be working as before and have got out my stick as a support. Personally I don’t cover up the fact I feel lousy although do feel guilty for making others perhaps feel miserable too so will try harder to smile more. My family and the staff are wonderful and make you feel loved. i get a lot of comfort from looking at my decal in the bedroom which reads, Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry! There is always a silver lining somewhere to be grateful for and mine was being able to park up free for my appointments of over 4 hours each time at the hospital. Hopefully there will be many more. Take one day at a time ......

  • Hi Anna, You accidentally posted this in my blog :) Good luck with the rest of your chemo - I hope it goes as well as possible for you 

  • Oh dear sorry don’t know how to use this type of blog. Whoops, thanks for letting me know 

  • Hi Anna/Klein? If you click on Online Community, log in, click on Blogs, then on Create a Blog, you can create your own. What type of cancer do you have and what chemo are your having. Please don't feel you have to answer! I won't be offended at all. I love your bedroom decal and that you are sounding positive and taking one day at a time. Those are my mantras, too! Take care xx

  • Will try and follow your instructions-   I have endometrial cancer having palliative chemo with paclitaxel and carboplatin.

    scheduled for my 2nd dose next week of three then a scan. Just wondering whether the effects will be more or less the same or ? Yes I look at my decal often! Take care Sunglasses