Kidney Removal

Less than one minute read time.

I’m getting my kidney removed on Tuesday, I keep getting told the embolus at ion is the worst part. Has anyone had this procedure done and have any advice ? 

  • My partner had his kidney removed in August 2020. He was only off work for 6 weeks.

    He was at work in mid July and went to the toilet and there was blood in his urine. He rang the doctor who sent him for a blood test and said it was probably a urine infection. Next morning at home, it happens again. He went to work and was rushed to A& E as he was in immense pain (it was a clot we think causing the pain).

    By mid August they'd confirmed a tumour and the kidney was out.  The cancer was contained in his kidney.he goes for 6 monthly CT scans and so far all is well.

    Hope you're recovering now.