kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird.....Blitzing and Living


    Ever started a job and then wondered why the hell you started it!!!!!! After having my gas central heating put in my house and packing off the polar bears who stayed with me it was time to start blitzing the house. I am not capable of just doing one room at a time OH NO!!!! I have to work in every room, that is painting, moving thngs around and throwing out the crap, I am knackered!!! Things haven't really changed in…

  • Kezzerbird...It is official I am a freak of nature!!!!!!


    I am not sure how to write this blog guys. I have just returned from getting my scan results and am baffled at the results. I have been living for at least 2 years with the knowledge that my life is being cut short BUT today it has been confirmed that I, The Kezzerbird am a freak of nature!!!! 

      I sat in a room by myself and waited for my Onc to appear, he did, along with the cancer nurse and a student doctor, Ummmm,…

  • Kezzerbird.......I'm Back!!!!!


    Yes the bird is back from her hols on a narrow boat in North Wales and I have come back to a nice young man who is putting in my new gas central heating for me, he may be ripping my house apart to do it but do I care NO because I shall be snug this winter and my resident polar bears will be moving out Ha Ha!!!!! Well the holiday wasn't so good this year because the side effects with my chemo really came out, and I mean…

  • kezzerbird....About right!!!!


    Hello my lovelies. Last week I was confronted with a very nervous baby doctor, sent with compliments of my consultant who amuses himself by sending these victims my way and enjoys every minute of it!!!!! This terrified lillte chappie had to arrange a scan for me, not a difficult thing to do and I told him that I was on my hols starting from the 3rd of Oct and that I wouldn't return until the 17th Oct and I did say it…

  • Kezzerbird,,,,I knew it wouldn't last UMPH!!!!!


    Well my dear friends, yesterday was chemo number 20, it was completion of the first cycle of Caelyx for The Bird. Straight forward really, hospital transport picking me up at 10, chemo at 11 and home by 1, simples as our meerkat friend says on the TV!!!!! Now, did this all go according to plan I hear you cry....NO IT DIDN'T Argggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!

    Hospital transport arrived at 10, lovely job, I got called in…