kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird..still plodding on


    Hi guys..just to let you know the Bird is still about but have been quite ill since Christmas, lost an awful lot of weight, got a chest infection, had D&V, I am falling apart!!!!!!! Had my 51st birthday today and had loads of pressies, coudn't eat the birthday cake but never mind, so for some who shouldn't have made 49 I am chuffed to see 51, roll on 52!!!! Carol xx

  • Kezzerbird...better late than never!


    Happy New Year guys, sorry I haven't been about, it appears that my brain has told my body to loose some weight over the festive season by making me vomit for England, so I am a little thin in the skin at the moment!!!!! The selfish pig I live with had 'man flu' and didn't I know about it, but he did manage to crawl from his sick bed and go to the pub, leaving me to do everything whilst vomiting, good job that I can multi…

  • Kezzerbird....Christmas message


    Well if it is good enough for the queen to do a Christmas message, then so can the bird!!!! Where as this years gone eh guys, it has been a very hard year for some of us and Christmas being a time for family can hit some hard especially when we have lost someone special. We have lost several dear friends this year so I shall be thnking of their families. What will next year bring...for me it is 6 more chemos to look forward…

  • Kezzerbird....where to start on this one?


    I have just come out of hospital after my second kidney infection but now I know why it is happening. My cancer is blocking my right kidney and causing cronic infection, right ok, another hiccup along my cancer journey. The next step is to have a stent put in so the kidney can be drained, if anyone as had this done let me know about it please. My onc wasn't to bothered about a scan this side of Christmas but the renal…

  • Kezzerbird......lumps and chemo


    Blimey guys more chemo in the new year for the bird, thats chemo 2008, 2009, 2010 and now 2011!!!!! This time the chemo will be the gentle stuff , I have had 21 goes at the worst ones, so it will be nice to have a NICE chemo!!!!!! One of my many tumours is playing up, naughty tumour, most inconviniant me thinks, I need a name for this tumour, something catchy, any idears!!! My consultant has treatened to transfer me to…