Kezzerbird......lumps and chemo

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Blimey guys more chemo in the new year for the bird, thats chemo 2008, 2009, 2010 and now 2011!!!!! This time the chemo will be the gentle stuff , I have had 21 goes at the worst ones, so it will be nice to have a NICE chemo!!!!!! One of my many tumours is playing up, naughty tumour, most inconviniant me thinks, I need a name for this tumour, something catchy, any idears!!! My consultant has treatened to transfer me to another consultant, he pointed out one to me who does kick boxing, my reply was 'Like I give a s**t' and he laughted, I had to tell him that in life we all have a cross to bare and I am his He He!!!!! We  all had a laugh. I love causing havoc!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them..The lumpy bird...Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it
