kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzerbird...Busy B


    Hello all out there in Mac land. The crazy bird is so busy sorting out my house and preparing for my son and his lovely girlfriend to move in at the end of next month, I am spring cleaning early and really enjoying it. Well it has been a week since I got Kev to leave and I have to say that I am totally de-stressed. My Mac nurse came around today and was surprised on how well I look and how relaxed I am, I feel good and…

  • Kezzerbird...I am fine (honest)


    Well guys what can I say, I am blown away with all the messages and support from you so thank you for that. Well even though it has only been a few days since Kev went, I feel so much more relaxed and I certainly feel happier than I was, I can breathe again and I am begining to eat a little better and I haven't been sick, my colour is back and I have a twinkle in my eye (Oh look out world the real Bird is back!!) So this…

  • Kezzerbird..finally sorted out


    Kev is gone and I had no choice, almost 12 years gone and the reason is I GOT CANCER. I feel sad for the man I knew and loved who disapeared when the C word was mentioned but I know he is gone, I never asked for any of this, we don't , do we guys but my energy must go into me and fighting this cancer and enjoy my life what is left of it. I hope Kev can sort himself out and find someone who he can be happy with. So today…

  • Kezzerbird...Calling all carers for help


    Guys the old bird needs some help. I have been with my partner for almost 12  years and since I was diagnosed in March 08 he has gone from being a caring gentle man into an acholic evil s**t and I have to be honest I hate him. Has you know I haven't been too good of late (I am slowing picking up) and the other night took the biscuit for me. I had gone to bed (tired on chemo) I asked him to chuck me up something and he…

  • Kezzerbird...just another hiccup!!!!!


    Well guys I have found out why I am vomitting for England, the cancer is misbehaving and pressing down on something and even though I have been so ill my med team said it was urgent that I start chemo, so yesterday I had number 22, this chemo is the mid range type, they have blasted me with the heavy stuff. How do I feel about all this WELL it is just another hiccup for the Bird and no matter what the cancer will NOT…