kezzerbird's blog

  • Kezzertrude rides the magic roundabout again!


    Oh Debs you have a lot to answer for girl!!!!Well tomorrow is chemo two day, I hope to get a PICC line put in, if I walk onto the ward tomorrow and they have put up a life size target on one of the doors, I shall know it's there for me!!!!! Spot the vein! UMPH! Henry my stoma is working very well now after being blasted by a Vindaloo, so that as helped with the sicky feeling I have constantly. I can't swing from any chandeliers…

  • Kezzerbird and the Vindaloo!!


    Well I done it again!!! My poor Mac nurse Mike is getting grief from me again. At the first sign of morphine or chemo, my stoma comes to a grinding halt (not good) I have tabs to help but me being me, decided to cook myself a red hot Vindaloo curry, made with chicken, peppers, red onions and leeks UMPH! Mike asked me if I had eaten anything, like a nice plain biscuit  (yuk) so I told him about my curry and he just laughed…

  • Kezzerbird/trude seconds out round one..done


    Hellooooooooo my Mac mates. I thought I would write about the first chemo round I had yesterday UMPH!

    I got to the hospital bang on mid-day, just in time for lunch UM, my notes seemed to have vanished, good start me thinks, so I had to do a form out. At 5pm some one tried to put in a cannula a failed miserably, I did remind them that my veins have a habit of  seeing a sharpe pointy object coming at them and the hide, but…

  • Kezzerbird/trude


    Hi my lovely mates.....I am off to start chemo again today, so ding, ding round 2, I will try and keep in touch, depends on how bad the chemo hits me. So stay positive and take care. Sending love and hugs to those that want them as Carol xx

  • Kezzerbird.....wigs galore!


    The head is shaved ready for 'battle mark 2' but you know me I have been buying wigs, not a blue one in sight this time! I have gone long, why not eh!!

    Wild child with flower in gob!

    Only slightly wild

    Me looking gormless!

    And yours truly TRYING to look sweet UM!

    Hopefully start chemo on Saturday if there is a bed for and hugs from The wild,goomless and cute Kezzerbird x