Well at least I am not paranoid!!!!!

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Hello all my lovelies out there in Mac land......Well I am pleased to say that The Kezzerbird is NOT paranoid, there is something going on in side of me, there are some changes in some noduals ( proberly spelt wrong, but who cares!) What noduals! so I am no wiser yet, my onc is on holiday and back next week but one of my surgeons, who I spoke to said they will be looking over my case then and will decide what to do then, jolly decent of them I thought! It could be the cancer back, it could be scar tissue or cysts or even a hernia, Who knows. I am not going to worry myself silly just yet, until I know. Oh well guys, you take care. Love and hugs to those that want them. I will keep you posted.......love Carol x 

  • FormerMember

    Treat those blooming nodules like gatecrashers at your nightclub - give them a kick up the jacksy and tell them not to show their faces again - they won't mess with you again after that! We'll all be fighting there with you if you need it Carol, love Angie xx

  • FormerMember

    bet them "noduals" are shakin with fright !!!! go bounce them girl!!!!

    loadsa love hun xNx

  • FormerMember

    Obviously these 'naughty nodules' don't know who they're dealing with, if they did, they would be off like a shot. Give them a few choice words and send em packing hun.  

    If the little sods wanna fight, then they should know that you have an army here at your disposal.

    M.  xx

  • FormerMember

    awww kezzer ... good luck with it... you`ll get throught it

    lix xoxoxox

  • Have you not given them a talking to yet and let them know what happens on a Friday and Saturday night, and if they don't take the hint the rugby team are not far behind.

    Take care
