The weekend umph!

2 minute read time.

Well as usual I am sitting here with my first bucket of tea for the day checking out this web site and am glad this weekend is over. It started out in the garden catching up on jobs that needed doing. Down the bottom of my garden I have an avairy and behind that was a tall hedge of conifers that needed to be cut down by several feet, so Kev, my son Karl,Benneath his girlfriend and I started working on that. This caused alot of swearing because of a large bramble that had entwined itself in the firs and most of the swearing was done by  Kezzer the Chickenbird, who is my African grey Parrot who causes havoc in the avairy! Then it was triming other plants that have gone haywire, then giving the wall a fresh lick of paint followed by sorting the greenhouse out. That was ok. The evening came and has usual Kev started drinking beer and it went downhill from there. I went to bed early in a really bad mood,

In the morning I was woken by Summit (my crazy dog, now 4 months old) standing there cross eyed wanting to go out for a pee, so up I got  to let her out. On goes the kettle and out comes the large green bucket for my tea and I am still in a bad mood. Kev comes down a few hours later looking like s**t. He looked like I did when my cancer was doing the most damage. I took one look at him and told him I had something to say and I wasn't going to repeat it again.

I said that I would not tolerate his drinking anymore, he was having a relationship with beer instead of me and I hadn't fought like a crazy woman to come second to drink. I said he can have a couple of beers at the weekend, that is fine but I wasn't prepared to be in a loveless relationship anymore, we went through hell and back again and we should be closer not growing apart, the cancer did enough damage. End of conversation on my part.

Back in the garden I went to chill out and work. Did housework, took Summit for a long walk and many other things, came in and checked my e-mails only to find out another friend is loosing her battle and that finished me off for the weekend. Thank god it's Monday. Sorry just needed a Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Wow Carol... you got busy this weekend including giving Kev a kick. I think its great you got angry, it proves your getting better and stronger all the time.  You moan away anytime you like my love and I hope it sorts itself out.

    Love and Hugs

    Carol xx