The Kezzerbird is a totally chilled dude!

1 minute read time.

I didn't go into work this weekend, I thought I could but then it would have meant everyone crying and cuddling me and saying how sorry they were and I would have crumpled into a heap, so I just stayed away and it was the right thing to do for me. My wonderful boss asked me my opinion  on who should take over from me and her words were "Well it's only until you come back". My favourite doorman Steve phoned me last night and was very upset, bless him and he is so angry that I have to go though this again but I told him it is ok, I knew it would happen, I just didn't know when. I am totally chilled out, I haven't been this way since I last was hanging over the freezers in Asda! very odd me thinks, I may be singing a different tune when needles and chemo comes at me again. Even my family have chilled out and kev (my grumpy old man) are fairly relaxed this time around. I thrashed Kev at Trivial Pursuit last night and we had a few drinks together, I told him that once i get 'chemo brain' back again, he should have no problem beating me!!!!! I have to sorn my motorbike because I won't be able to ride that again for some time but unlike before, even that is ok. I know that I can get it all back again. I have no desire to cry , though the tears will come but for the moment i am staying chilled and I am content with my lot. I had a fantastic year in remission and achieved so many things, I am so lucky. I was due to go body boarding and kayaking soon with my next door neighbour, but I will have to keep that on hold, but I shall be doing it, you watch me . I well my wonderful friends out there in Mac land, I need another bucket of tea before I finish my decorating, things to finish before chemo knocks me clean off my feet again. Glass still half full and not half empty (I know, someone is bound to tell me to stick that bloody glass where the sun don't shine! Where is my vasaline pot!!!!! Sending love and hugs to those who want them............Carolxx

  • Any chance of you marketing these 'chill pills' to the cowardly lions (like me) out here? Bril blog as ever!


  • FormerMember

    Tsk tsk! Didn't go to work! Indeed. Any excuse! We are all rooting for you and any time you need a chuck on you know where we are. I did charge my (always half full) glass on Saturday night and drank a toast to you and so many others in the same predicament. In fact my half full glass was half full many times and I was tired as a newt when I got home. It took me all day to get over it. My own version of chemotherapy!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Looks like you need me to come in and add a proper post instead of all this "Kezzadulation" going on LOL

    Seriously, you are an inspiration - not the cute n cuddly kind - but the kind us folks who have an occassional 'wobble' need.

    We loves ya bird

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    hiya missis, gotta say everyone is right you are certainly a top lady,keep battling and remember we are here for you through good days and bad as you have been for us all xx hugs xx dawn

  • FormerMember


    You stay chilled out, don't worry about work.

    I shall keep my glass permanently half full.
