The holiday cancer and me Part9

3 minute read time.
We left the Ellesmere arm and deciced to head for The Willey Moor pub, which is Kevs favourite on the canal because of the good selection of real ales they keep. The canal crosses remote farmland parallel to the border between the detached part of clwyd and Shorpshire. I wasn't looking forward to Grindley Brook and the staircase locks, which are only a set of 3, there is normally a lock keeper there to give you a hand. There are 3 small locks to follow the staircase and then futher on is Povey's Lock and finally the Willey Moor lock. We moored up above that lock this trip. Once was time to eat (now there is a surprise!) It was pitch black outside when this private boat entered the lock (not supposed to travel after dark)On the tiller was an ageing hippie and a child. He was singing at the top of his voice 'Always look on the bright side of life!' and the child was squeeling like a pig. Very strange! After we had eaten, I went back to the boat to chillout, I was tired and Kev went back to the pub for more beer! The Willey Moor is a friendly pub, it is warm and cosy and the staff are fun, especially the landlord. Kev left the pub at 11 and appeared back on the boat at 12, which is abit baffeling to his whereabouts for almost an hour, we were moored up about 100 yards from the pub! There are an enormous collection of tea pots in the pub, some are characters, ie Tigger, Pooh Bear, churchill, some are shaped like houses, all kinds that you can imagine.Tigger is one of my nick names, because I bounce, or did do when I walked, so when Kev spotted the Tigger pot, he told them he was going to pinch it for me! Obviously he didn't. I was in bed when Kev finally crashed in through the door, I had to get up and try to get him to be quiet for the sake of the other sleeping boaters, moored up by us. I was a little cross with him but I ended up crying with laughter instead. Watching him attemping to make up his bed was bad enough, especially when he head butted the wall of the boat, then he decided it was show time!!!!! (Anyone with a nervous disposition should not read this next part!) This consisted of him trying to do a striptease, accompanied by the music. God it was ORRIBLE! but very funny. Kev, then demonstrated what a Tigger tea pot looks there am I, looking at a fat, foureyed, pissed Cornishman standing on one leg in his socks and underpants, with one arm streached out, resembling the tea pot spout saying, "I looked like this, my ansome!"...............God, what a sight it was. Needless to say, he remembered nothing in the morning and he looked very pale with a lovely hangover. Serves him right! I had my 1st cycle of chemo and wasn't expecting a 4th dose. I thought I was having a CT scan, to see if this chemo had done it's job and seeing that it knocked me clean off my feet, literally, I thought it may have done, then to be followed by my operation. The scan hadn't been booked, so the chemo was given instead, I was devastated to say the least, both menally and physically. My oncologist got a serious mouthful from me. Unbeknown to all, that 4th chemo gave my cancer another month to spread, the chemo hadn't touched it and it was spreading aggressively. I had my operation done on the 23rd of June,that day, the person I was, died.I was completely torn apart and emptyand I thought I would never find any of the old me again,just a shell was left of the person I was. Alot of my bowel, my womb, orvaries and ormentum were removed and I was left with a small amount of cancer remaining in the linning of my stomach, the idea being that the new chemos would destroy that. (This happened to me, it doesn't happen to every one. It turned out ok for me)
  • FormerMember

    fat, foureyed, pissed Cornishman standing on one leg in his socks and underpants, with one arm streached out - I find that very hard to believe. Men multi-tasking? I don't think so. Cornishmen multitasking? Nah.

    Pretty amazing story so far. Not the Llangollen - been there, done that and lost the T shirt.

    It's incredible what you have been through and it is so special that it's quite obvious that a lot of the old you has come back even if I didn't know the old you. A terrific story well written - keep it up.




  • FormerMember

    I thought you were going to say he stood there singing " I'm a little teapot short and stout"!!  I was already to sing along.  Great blog as usual and  I think the old you it still there.

    Take care


    Carol x

    PS fantastic pictures, like the hair and that plate was huge!