The holiday, cancer and me Part8

3 minute read time.
TOAST TO CANCER AND ELLESMERE AND THE STEAK! We were heading back towards trevor to go back over the Pontcysyllte Aquaduct (pronounced--Pont-ker-sulth-tee), where we would have a glass of champayne and toast the fact I was still fighting and to tell the cancer to go away! (use your imagination on the actual words that we used!) It felt really good, shouting that up in mid air. I wanted the whole world to know. On the way to Trevor back down the canal, there is a stretch of water that completely deceives your eye sight, it appears that the canal runs up hill or downhill,depending on which way you are travelling and of course it doesn't but it makes you look and think twice. Very odd! After crossing the aquaduct you go through Froncysyllte, a place where we have never stopped in but there are always plenty of privately owned boats moored up. I have spoken to a few people who have choosen to live on the canals' it is like an opt out scheme from the normal way of living. For some, tragedy has hit them hard and they have totally changed their views on life and go for the more chilled out option, moving around when and if they want to. Some of the names of these boats, says it all. 'Just do it', 'Destiny', 'Dreckly'( a word we cornish use for sometimes, maybe, never-mainly used by cornish men when it comes to DIY!) It is a very relaxing way of life and one Kev and I would have if we could, it may yet happen. We arrived back in Ellesmere and moored up for the night in the arm, rather than on the main canal where we normally go. Kev asked me if I was going to have a go at the 16oz steak at The Black Lion and of course I said I'd have a bloody good bash at it! I don't think a plate of food has made anyone laugh as much as Kev and I did. Kev took a photo on his phone, when the biggest plate I'd ever seen was put in front of me. The plate was wider than I was and at that moment I thought, "What have I done", we just fell about laughing so hard, we had tears in our eyes. The photo made us laugh even louder, all you could see was a hugh white plate full of steak, onions, tomatoes and mushrooms and behind that was me looking totally shocked and vacant.(Photo on my pics) We got a few strange looks from the other diners, but they weren't invited to join in on our private joke! I almost cleared the plate infront of me, all that was left was a T-bone and a few bits of fatty meat and half a tomatoe. "Well done, my ansom", Kev said, "That's my woman". I was up for a challange, took it and won it. Lovely job! I was to ill to attend even one event which Sue and Janet put on at The White Hart, but what they did was excellent. One event was PIG RACING, which is machanical pigs on tracks, pigs went everywhere, apparantly it was a great laugh. In totally with The Eclipse, Hole in the Wall and The White Hart, £5,750 was collected and sent to the Precious Lives Apeal towards the childrens hospice in Cornwall. I will never be able to thank all envolved for what they did for this, not bad for sorting it all in only three weeks. I have learnt so many things since this nightmare began. I have never said Why Me, because why not, I am nobody special......but the worse part all told, has been the emotional torment that comes with cancer. My grown daughter lay on my bed when I was very ill and cried has she held on to me, telling me how much she loved me, it broke my heart, as a mother, I couldn't kiss it better and make her pain go away. Kev asking me to promise him that I wouldn't die, a promise, I couldn't and still can't make, all I can do is fight this from deep inside, that is where my hatred lies for this desease that has taken loved ones from me before
  • FormerMember

    I don't want to turn this into a mutual admiration society but I love the way you join your holiday with your lillness, Very moving. Just to outdo you we had a 32 ozs steak in Gloucester and I was the only one to finish it. I struggled with a 6 ozs one the other day. How times change. Curry night tonight! I fear the worst!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Great blog, well done with the steak - gonna check the pictures out.  That last para got me though x.

    Keep sailing/floating - your know what I mean


    Carol x

  • FormerMember

    made me laugh and cry ,

    love ,Julie