The holiday, cancer and me Part7

3 minute read time.
We stayed in Llangollen for another 24 hours. Once again I went clothes shopping, so my new wardrobe was very pleasing to me and then it was back to The Corn Mill for lunch, big mistake! I choose the burger, but I couldn't actually open my mouth wide enough to even bite through it. Kev sat there laughing at me while I tried to figure out how to eat it! Eventually I did (chemo brain) I desperatly needed to put some weight back on my skinny body, to replace the fat and muscle that had been destroyed by the chemo, so that I would have something to fight the next stage of my cancer with. That evenning, Kev went out and I stayed on the boat just chilling out, reading a good book. He came back a little worst for ware but it was another good day. We didn't moor at the basin, we moored at the top, near where the guy who collects the mooring fees has his hut and we made sure we avoided the oak trees, so as not to be bombarded by falling acons during the night. Acorns falling on a narrowboat is a noisy process, bearing in mind you are in a floating metal tin and the squirrels in that area take great delight in climbing up the oak trees and shakeing the branches like good uns, Their way of saying P*** off, we've had enough of you lot! It can also be a dangerous time if you've had a few drinks the night before and you slip on the bloody things! It is a short walk into town, the first shop you come to is a taxidermists, which is quite bizarre, his work is stunning and looks natural, these animals are from road kills, that point is firmly put across. We have never been in there and you can never see the price tags. (Not a stuffed narrowboater in sight!) But I personally wouldn't wish to have a stuffed anything in my home! There is a beautiful old bridge over the River Dee, you can appreciate the full force of the rivers power, standing there watching it flow down. The town has quite a few touristy shops, filled with over priced nick nacks, dragons witches, welsh love spoons and the like. I love Llangollen and I hope to be there again next year..........if I make it. I was able to attend The Hole in the Wall charity night,but I did have to leave earlier that I'd hoped, I was bleeding heavily and my pain relief hadn't been sorted out. The barmaids were what was being auctioned, the local guys bid on them to take them out, nothing dodgy about this at all. The girls raised alot of money that night. A guy called Tom that I knew from the nightclub decided to offer £100 to take me out for a meal when I got better, Tom told my son Karl recently, to tell me to hurry up, he's starving!! That brought a smile to my face. Steve and Sue brought a jockey T shirt, a black one with THE DOOR BITCH and the number 13 in white on the front of it and asked me what my favourite saying was, so I told them. Written on the back were the words "Your ball are mine!" Steve said he would bid up to £50 for it and if he could, he would get it for me "Caz, after all" he said, "You are the DOOR BITCH!" I got the shirt, it cost Steve £85 in the end, I was quite overwelmed by the whole thing. There was a singer at the pub that night and much to my amusement, his first song was "Knockin on heavens door! Everyone stopped and looked at me, saw me laughing and saw the joke. The next song was "Stairway to heaven! I said to this singer, still finding it funny, "Are you taking the piss or what?" He realised what he'd done and felt very awkward, he said sorry, I told him, there was no need to be sorry but from then on, he did select the rest of his songs with alot more thought!!!!!