The holiday, cancer and me Part6

3 minute read time.
Now where was I, oh yes, the Poncysyllte Aquaduct! Has you cross the aquaduct from Chirk on your left, is fresh air and nothing more, to your right is a walkway with high railings. it is an experience well worth having even if like me you are scared of heights! The views are stunning and the feeling of being above the treetops and birds flying, is awsome. The canal narrows in several places before entering Llangollen, there are two sections where someone has to walk along the towpath to make sure your approach is clear, this is best done with the aid of walkie talkies. ( one four rubber chicken, do you copy) On the first strech of the narrows, there are only two places that are wide enough for two boats to pass and on the last part there is only room for one. The canal ends at the basin, which is also the only turning point. Our favourite drinking hole in Llangollen is The Corn Mill. It is a modern, though very stylish bar with restaurant housed in an 18th century mill, that still as a working water wheel that revolves in the River Dee, which at time can be mesmerising to watch, emense power comes from that river. Lovely. Outside The Corn Mill over hanging the River Dee is a long balcony, the length of the building, where you can sit outside and enjoy the scenery, part of which is the 1,000 foot summit of Castell Dinas Bran. It can be a steep climb for even the fittest of people, but once the climb is over, the views of 360 degrees are more than worth while. Kev and I climbed it last year,this year I am unable to even try, so hopefully next year, if all goes well, I shall be in remission and soaking up the views once more. I had bought a long natural hair wig, which I wore for the charity night,also I looked well. So many people came to support the cause. Family came, friends came and so many familar faces, others who worked turned up later still in their work clothes, people who had to work nights brought tickets so that their money went into the charity fund. The barmaids from The Hole in the Wall turned up dressed in similar to what I was wearing and they had all written on their shirts "Carol's Bitches". I was known by many people to like to dance when I was working, especially to The Lion Sleeps Tonight by Tight Fit and on that night I was joined in the dance by Emma and Yazz from The Hole and the three of us gave it wellie, has the music played, with all watching. That dance gave me back a little control of my life, if only for a few minutes, I was exhaused but overwelmed at the support for this special night, where so many people made an effort and gave so much. There was sponered chest waxing and head shaving, Rob who I have already mentioned (adopted son & doorman) had his chestwaxed, he was incredibly hairy and went through terrible pain, but then when he was offered another £100 to have his back waxed, he did! Emma, a reporter for our local paper asked Rob why he did what he did and his reply was "Carol has done so much for me and others, I did it because I love her" Those words will live in my memory for the rest of my life. It was an amazing night for myself and all who attended. Shock went around the room when I took off my wig, exposing a bald head for all to see. It was the realization that "Christ, she does have cancer" and that was the whole point! I was known also to be extremely fit, strong and healthy, but cancer still invaded me, but for me the point was that children were dying of cancer and they and their families had to travel to North Devon or Bristol to the children's hospice and they shouldn't have to. We need a childrens hospice here in Cornwall and all these amazing people who gave on all the events should be proud to know that the dream is a little closer to becoming a reality.