The holiday, cancer and me Part3

2 minute read time.
I am glad some of you guys are coming on this journey with me. I hope you enjoy it! I didn't know if I would make it to the holiday or even if I would still be alive. I was told about having cancer after a laproscopy,I wasn't surprised by the news, after all I had lost my dad, my aunt, my eldest brother and sister to cancer and somehow knew that one day it would be my turn. Telling my family was one of the worst things I have ever had to do. I have never been in a position where guilt has taken over every part of my being, I was guilty of having cancer. Kev, Toni my beautiful daughter and Karl my crazy son all knew after I had phoned, even though I didn't tell them, I didn't have to. I told them individually that I needed the 3 of them to come to the hospital and see me together. I had been put in a side room before being given the news and waited for my family to arrive. It was the longest hour in my life. I looked out of the room, down the corridor and saw Kev who was being supported by Toni, carrying my large Tigger, his face said it all, he was broken and I had caused that, my daughter and son looked bewildered. God how could I have done this to them. Cancer to alot of people still means death and that is not always the case in question, I was lucky, there was treatment available, whether it would work was another matter. ELLESMERE I choose the steak and ale pie with vegatables and Kev had scampi and chips, The Black Lion is a vast place, very friendly and very comfortable, the food is excellent and plentyfull and is fairly priced, recommended by word of mouth by narrowboaters. They do a roaring trade throughout the year and they deserve to, it's a great pub. We sat in a corner at a small table for two, Kev with a beer and me with pernod and lemonade awaiting our meal, it felt so good and so right being there. A young waiter bought in our food and left us to it. The culinary delights just melted in our mouths and exploded onto our taste buds and when the meal was done we both sat there, fat, full and ready for another drink or two!! Every year we have said that we would stay out until the pub closes for the night, but this very rarely occurs, due to the fact that being calm, relaxed and out in the fresh air makes you want to go to your bed early and to rise early in the morning. We had a lovely evenning together, both feeling happy and content with our lot at that moment in time. Normally on holiday it is a custom of mine to go clothes shpping, even though I have more than enough clothes at home, most of which get worn once and then are forgotten about, but this time I brought clothes because I hardly have any that now fit me, so for once it was justifiable spending Kevs money! After the shopping it was back to the boat for a cup of coffee and then it was time to move on.
  • FormerMember

    Oh yum steak pie or scampi and chips, and pernod and lemon - a real blast from my past. Don't know about you, but I always end up wanting what the other person has.  I think you have a very justifiable reason to go clothes shopping, hope you got lots of lovely things.  Standing joke between me and a friend is that we will wear our lurex boob tubes and hot pants to  speical occasions - only thing is neither of us is Elle McPherson.

    Looking forward to the next stage of the trip.

    Love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Beer? Pernod and lemonade? Calm and relaxed? Calm and Relaxed as a newt I presume! WHat about cocktails on deck?

    Keep me smiling




  • FormerMember

    Please keep the story coming, I feel as if I am there too, it is a lovely way to see this beautiful country of ours :-)

    Best Wishes


  • FormerMember

    The only cocktails I had on deck was morphine and a glass of milk! Sad eh! I am reading my way through Roland Ratso, it is excellent and if it's any consolation to you, my team stuck their finger out of my bum after gutting me like a fish from the inside!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Take care chic and I will try to put some more smiles on you face, your blogs are doing that for me, so glad to return the Carolx

  • FormerMember

    When it was our all male booze cruises we had cocktails on deck and still managed the Four Counties, Cheshire and Warwick rings in a week even if our navigation was a little dubious at times.


