The holiday, cancer and me Part10

2 minute read time.
Even though I had spoken to the surgeon and knew what may occur, I was shocked when I saw the colostomy bag, which was attached to the left side of my stomach and the drainage tube coming out from the lower right side, but the sight of 50 staples starting from between my rib cage down below my pubic bone, was horrific. I wasn't bothered about the hysterectomy, I would happily have done that 24 years ago after my son, Karl was born, I didn't want have anymore children, so I didn't feel that my womanhood had been taken away from me. When I saw my surgeon again, he told me what he had found. There was more cancer than they had expected, but they removed most of it. To me that was something. A few days later, I was in agony, I was being given liquid morphine for pain relief and it turned out that the morphine lay doormant in my stomach and exploded into my system at the same time, causing a morphine overdose! Kev, luckily for me, came into see me and realised something was wrong. My surgeon was at the nurses station, so Kev went to him and asked what was going on with me, he said"Carol is fine, she's been up and about". Kev told him to go and take a look at me. Two consultants, two doctors and the nurses then became aware that something was wrong. Oh shit! Headless chicken time or what! I was rapidly given a drug to reverse the effects of the morphine, which worked in seconds. My breathing, which had slowed right down, came back to normal, my head began to clear, has did my vision. What a cock up all round. I now have slow release morphine tablets to take..............much better for ME. THE WILLEY MOOR AND A LESSON LEARNED! We left the Willey Moor and carried off down the canal to the next turning point befor Wenbury. On the way there we came across a craft boat moored up, we moored infront of the boat and went and had a look around. We came away with some Dreamcatchers, UM! The idea is that bad dreams get caught in the webs of the dream catchers and when the sunrises, these unwanted bad dreams vanish and the good dreams stay. Do I believe in that, no not really but what the hell. They won't do any harm, thats for sure. We turned Elvind round and headed back for the Willey Moor pub once again and decided to spend another night there, due to the fact, I couldn't face the locks that day after the lack of sleep, due to Kevs previous night out. Bless him, he had his last beer at 8, after telling the barmaid not to serve him after that time and came back to me, so I could catch up on some sleep. I'm glad we went there,Kev enjoyed it and this wasn't just a well desearved holiday for me, it was for both of us. One week left to go back up the canal and then heading back down to the boatyard at Witchurch before going back into hell. I don't, we don't want it to end. This has been better than any holiday we have had so far and are hopeing to return in the spring. LET'S DO IT! (we are in 13 days time!) (What happened to me was just unlucky for me, it won't happen to you and it shows that I did recover, so no matter how bad things get, there is always hope)
  • FormerMember

    What I find amazing about people like you is that after all they do to you you still have the inner strength to come back and function. I had an uncle who had a number of congenital problems and he went to St. Bart's hospital in London where they did a lot of things to him - he had fifteen hernia operations - and yet he still managed to keep going in spite of it all. He went in for one hernia operation and finished up having a kneecap removed - he had double kneecaps and the consultant wanted one for his collection! During his final operation he was sat upright on the operating table in a crucifix and they literally cut him in half to work on his stomach, osophagus and diaphragm at the same time. I personally am dreading the day when I have to have surgery - mainly because once they start they don't know where to stop. That might seem a bit unfair but in my mind there is always the element of doubt - are they doing this to genuinely help or is it so they can write another papaer on how good they are? The cynic in me remains because I have got a lot of experience. Still they are all we have got bless 'em and we do have to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    Keep smiling,

    love your blog



  • FormerMember

    well atleast they didnt wake you up half way through to tell you they was going to take more out!!:D really impressed with your strength and Kevs aswell who deserves a medal for leaving the pub at 8 what a cracking man :) .glad everything is working out slowly but surely for you Kezzer and I wsh you and your family all the best and it makes it better the fact that it proves to me you can still enjoy a holiday even with cancer. All the best
