Kezzerbird/trude seconds out round one..done

2 minute read time.

Hellooooooooo my Mac mates. I thought I would write about the first chemo round I had yesterday UMPH!

I got to the hospital bang on mid-day, just in time for lunch UM, my notes seemed to have vanished, good start me thinks, so I had to do a form out. At 5pm some one tried to put in a cannula a failed miserably, I did remind them that my veins have a habit of  seeing a sharpe pointy object coming at them and the hide, but hey ho what do I know! S a Doctor was called for after most of the nurses tried and failed, when the last one came up to me and said "Can I have a go", I said yes if I can be blind folded and given a javelin and have a go at her first, because that what it was feeling like for me, nail me to a Dart board why don't you!!!!!

The Doctor finally arrived and found a small vein and put in a cannula, this managed to carry the re hydration fluid into me, they came to flush it out and I nearly took off, the vein had gone to the place that all veins go to, where ever that may be!!!!!! The staff nurse wasn't prepared to risk trying to put the chemo through that. The night shift came on and about 10 pm I was told that they didn't like to do chemo throughout the night and I could start again in the morning. RED MIST TIME I told her no... I was having my treatment NOW and that was final and was told I may have along wait until a Doctor was available. WELL 2.30 in the morning A Doctor arrived and fitted a cannula with ease, so chemo began to go through Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I finally left the ward a 11 am with the first treatment completed, covered in bruises and knackered, but it was done. I am so looking forward to next Saturday for the next session I should be getting a PICC line put in, I did request one to start with and it should be a little better next time. I feel a little sick at the mo and I am waiting to get knock on my butt again but this third new treatment is unknown to me  so I shall have to wait and see. So I have introduced my self to the new member on the ward, the others had the pleasure of me last time, so I think these new ones no know not to mess with the Kezzerbird coz this patient BITES BACK.....Oh yeh!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them as always......from Carol x

  • FormerMember

    bloomin eck Carol....what a way to start!

    Hope the side-effects stay within 'tolerable margins' and that next week the PICC line makes it all a lot easier and quicker for you.

    Well done you for standing your ground matey, I probably would have cried and moaned and bitched all the way home and then all the way back the next day LOL

    Love & Strength


  • FormerMember

    One down!

    Hope you get the PICC line sorted Carol, can't have you throwing javelins around the ward too often!

    Hoping the side effects are minimal.

    Bad Fairy x

  • Wow Carol! What a patient patient you were. I am Mrs Placid but the red mist would have got to me much earlier. Hope the next lot is more 'user-friendly'.


  • FormerMember

    Well done and congratulations. My notes disappear regularly - I watched a junior doctor walk off with them once and dragged him back. He said he didn't have them. You need a shopping trolley to carry them around and he picked them up by accident. Good job we are keeping on the ball. Veins are rubbish. I don't know anyone who has good ones. I had one junior docotr try ten times to get blood out of me. I was covered in sticking plasters and bruises. It was a good job she was very pretty with large blue eyes and long blond hair or it might have turned out quite differently.

    Good luck,

    Keep (us) smiling




  • FormerMember

    Good on ya've been through too much to take any messing now...hope its not too bad for you...and the best of luck with the rest of your Sharon xxx