Kezzerbird....The kick I needed !!!!

1 minute read time.

Last night I sat infront of my lap top and saw the blog that Poppyissy had written and what a kick up the butt that was for me! Bloody hell, I have cancer and I have to deal with it, it will not just go away. All I have to do is stop throwing up, wake up, start to eat a drink and keep going. I can do that,mind over matter, i mind and it matters!!!!!! I saw my Mac nurse yesterday and I have to take Metoclorpramide anti-sickness and wait for a hour then take steriods, which I did and was only sick once, which is improvement! Everyone is a bit baffled as to why this has started all of a sudden, if it was the chemo then I should have been like this one the first one and not on the 7th, but I never do things the same as every one else!!! I have my fantastic GP coming to see me today, she as followed me through the last two and a half years, so i will see what she says. So thank you Poppy for the kick I needed and thanks for the support from all  my amazing mates out there in MacLand.....The Bird is bouncing back, vomit and all. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x

  • FormerMember

    we all need mates who kick us up when needed. take care x

  • FormerMember

    Carol, Glad to see you bouncing back my 'andsome.

    don't forget to be kind to yourself though, take it easy.

    Tony xx

  • FormerMember

    am I the only one who is just a little miffed at not being able to kick the bird up the a$$ to get her going again......*sighs*

    Glad you are getting your fight back woman, was beginning to think I'd fallen through a wormhole and ended up in some reversed universe ;)

    Even though you have your "get up and go" back, remember to rest the body too, for battles makes them weary and they need a little downtime here and there.  Even soldiers get R & R.

    Love & strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Kez nice to have you back.  Girl you were really worrying me. Like Debs I'm glad you've got your fight back. But don't be too hard on yourself.

    Love Life Laughter
