Kezzerbird....The kick I needed !!!!

1 minute read time.

Last night I sat infront of my lap top and saw the blog that Poppyissy had written and what a kick up the butt that was for me! Bloody hell, I have cancer and I have to deal with it, it will not just go away. All I have to do is stop throwing up, wake up, start to eat a drink and keep going. I can do that,mind over matter, i mind and it matters!!!!!! I saw my Mac nurse yesterday and I have to take Metoclorpramide anti-sickness and wait for a hour then take steriods, which I did and was only sick once, which is improvement! Everyone is a bit baffled as to why this has started all of a sudden, if it was the chemo then I should have been like this one the first one and not on the 7th, but I never do things the same as every one else!!! I have my fantastic GP coming to see me today, she as followed me through the last two and a half years, so i will see what she says. So thank you Poppy for the kick I needed and thanks for the support from all  my amazing mates out there in MacLand.....The Bird is bouncing back, vomit and all. Love and hugs to those who want them....Carol x
