Kezzerbird..still plodding on

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Hi guys..just to let you know the Bird is still about but have been quite ill since Christmas, lost an awful lot of weight, got a chest infection, had D&V, I am falling apart!!!!!!! Had my 51st birthday today and had loads of pressies, coudn't eat the birthday cake but never mind, so for some who shouldn't have made 49 I am chuffed to see 51, roll on 52!!!! Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    happy birthday for yesterday and for the many more you

    will have in the future.  hope you are feeling much better

    soon so you can continue with your olympic style athletic

    regime and regale us with your adventures. best of luck

    hugs and kisses    sue    xxx

  • FormerMember

    happy belated birthday carol. we 'old biking grannies really should begin to except getting old more gracefully..... enough of the surfing, biking boozing and dancing, we must learn to sit in a rocking chair and knit!!! lol lol  ok well maybe not quite yet. keep up the fight love. take care love sue xxxx

    P.S. i've just finished knitting joshua a hoodie! lol

  • FormerMember

    hi hun

    happy birthday for yesterday hope you get over this chest infection soon and back to your old self

    loads of love jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    So you are having one of those anus horribulus what the Queen had. I doubt very much that you are plodding along. Maybe a bit slower, yeah. I never had the sickness with my chemo - in fact, defying medical science I actually put weight on which was unheard of. It's called  the Wilkie syndrome. Belated felicitations for your 51st - I remember mine as if it was yesterday.

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, happy birthday. sorry you are feeling like crap, we miss you on here.

    love Kaz x