Kezzerbird..still plodding on

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Hi guys..just to let you know the Bird is still about but have been quite ill since Christmas, lost an awful lot of weight, got a chest infection, had D&V, I am falling apart!!!!!!! Had my 51st birthday today and had loads of pressies, coudn't eat the birthday cake but never mind, so for some who shouldn't have made 49 I am chuffed to see 51, roll on 52!!!! Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    (((Carol))) i really hope today has been special for you, im sorry I didn`t know it was your birthday x.

    I hope that you can start to feel better soon love, you`ve had so much to put up with im sure, that D&V really takes it out of you doesnt it :(

    I really hope this year will treat you alot kinder.

    Happy birthday Carol...

    love scarlet xxx

  • FormerMember

    Happy Birthday Carol.   xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    Happy Birthday for yesterday!!

    My Birthday today so you are a day older :)

    Sorry to hear you are still having a rough time.

    I thought of you the other day when reading about a surfing dog, thought maybe it was you & a dog you had cleverly trained to surf!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, A belated Happy 51st!  I'm so sorry you've been so poorly and hope you soon begin to feel better.  Take care.  Love and hugs Caroline XX

  • Hi Carol, you are having a tough time these last couple of months, good to hear your still fighting, you need to try the old victorian myth and get into that cold sea, do some body boarding and kill those bugs. At least you will feel refreshed ha ha if you do.

    Stay strong and a belated happy birthday

    healing hug john x