Kezzerbird...still marching on!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Hi Guys and sorry it has taken me so long to write. I have been through the mill of late and have been busy trying to kick my own arse into gear. Well next week will be the anniversary of ' We are sorry to tell you that you have cancer' and joy of all joy that I am still going completely against the odds and yes it has been the hardest journey of my life but hell,I am still marching on through even more chemo, number 26 tomorrow and still 5 more to follow that and not fogetting the sickness and blood transfusions and being connected to a syringe driver because I can't keep even my morphine down. That kind of sounds bad but the sun is brighter and the grass is greener than it ever did before and life is worth fighting for and even though it has been a rough few months I can say that it is worth it all. I have no regrets now and am still content with my lot and still I can pick myself up from the floor and carry on which is great. Hopefully in a few more months the old Kezzer will be back completely and causing havoc!!!! All who have sent messages I thank you but I am ok and still on my feet. I send loads of love and hugs to all and remember that always on a cloudy day a little sun always somehow shines through. Keep kicking arse guys and never give up. Love and hugs to those who what them....Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol you are a sight for sore eyes! You are always in my thoughts and Dick often asks if I have heard from you. Now I can tell him that you are remaining strong and still kicking camcers arse!!!

    Love and strength to you mate keep on kicking cancers arse!!!!!

    Lots of love Julie xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    well done you. Remember the sun is always shining its just the clouds get in the way.

  • FormerMember

    glad to see youre back kezzer. was wondering where you were. its a year today since i was told i had cancer. thought id have a drink to celebrate getting this far but feel really deflated. the battle continues for many of us so keep up the good work and dont forget to keep us up to speed on how you are.

    hugss and kisses    sue    xxx

  • FormerMember

    so good to hear from you and I'm glad you're finally seeing a bit of light at the end of the toilet, I mean tunnel :D

    You know what they say - get knocked down seven times, get up eight - that's you all over!

    Looking forward to some havoc pics just as we hit summertime!

    Loadsalove Kxx

  • FormerMember

    been thinking of you Carol((((hugs))))) lovely to see you on here again:)

    Love scarlet xxxx