Kezzerbird says thanks x

1 minute read time.

Wow you guys what can I say to you all for your fantastic support. It is time for me to blow some sunshine up some butts. I haven't cried because I can't yet, I knew the cancer would return but this time at the moment I have only one to fight, not five like last time! I know I can do it because I am not going anywhere yet until I am ready. Having support even from amazing people who have recently lost there loved ones just blew me away, you guys are incredible. Just remember that no matter how bad it gets I will be there for you all when you need me and I still mean every word that I have said about having that glass half full and we fight this together, have done for the last two years and will carry  on doing so. I give you all the love I have and thank you for being there. Blimey guys, the Kezzerbird is tearing up ( I will go now and slap myself!!!) Right where did I put those boxing gloves? I am not happy about giving up everything I fought so hard for, but hey I can get it back Carol The Boxing Kezzerbird XXXX

  • If I was your cancer I'd be scared witless! Go girl!


  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you every step of the way. Let it av it! Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    You are not having to give up your job - you are taking a "cancer ass kicking sabbatical".  Even your bosses are too scared to get rid of you, so what chance do the "naughty nodules" have ;)

    Need any help lacing those boxing gloves, give us a yell.  Marsha has already offered to do the gumshield - I won't touch them, even after 7 years of my kids doing karate and having gumshields I still freak out if they try to hand it to me LOL

    Have a good weekend Carol xxxx

  • FormerMember

    I haven't forgotten you! I read your message last night when I got back from the pub and I did try and respond but my computer thingy wouldn't play.  My message was on the lines of " I have just got back from the pub after having several pints and some red wine and I have read your post. Bugger! Bugger! Bollocks! Bastard! Can't really say anymore but I'll be back. And so will you." You are right Kezzerbabe, we are not alone. You are not alone. We do kick ass, you more than most. I have had to charge my glass and drink a toast to so many lately and I will keep my (half full) glass charged for you every time I go out. Thanks babe.

    Keep smiling,




  • FormerMember

    Babe! Just caught up on your news. That is pooh with a capital P.

    Me thinks you should shout **** off cancer nice and loud and we will all join in. On the count of three.... one...two...three...

    love and hugs

    Andrew xxx