Kezzerbird.....quiet but still about!!!

1 minute read time.

How nice to see I have been missed (Debs and Marsha Awhh!) The bird hasn't been feeling too good after last chemo, very odd seeing as I have been feeling really well, unlike the first time round. Ended up having to take myself off to bed unable to stay awake and the bird doesn't like doing that, oh no, things to do and place to go and people to annoy.

Well I shall be seeing my Onc this thursday and will be roasting his arse over an open fire if he doesn't tell me what is going on and why after having my 1st chemo from the second cycle that I needed a break, I do not care for a nurse telling me this after my Onc as left the building and not telling me why and I think he needs to sort out a CT scan to see if this treatment is doing anything, after all the last time I was treated like a mushroom ( fed bulls**t and kept in the dark!!!!) and ended up with five cancers to fight all at the same time and I have no desire to be in that position again. So as you can see, the bird is getting fightable again, Oh no! which means I am feeling better with each day and have been attacking my garden out in the sunshine and really enjoying myself and have been watching my frogs and toads chilling out in my pond (Don't any of you tell Debs about them, or she will find where I live and start proding them with a stick!! we will just keep that to ourselves ok LOL !!!) Kezzer the chicken bird (African grey parrot) is happy swearing at me all day from the avairy and now and again she will sing to me and say 'Carol you alright mate'. Oh well guys, I shall go and get myself another bucket of tea, take my Morphine tabs and carry on in my garden. Love and hugs to those who want them as always.......Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    LOL Carol, I only prodded one turd toad with a stick, I don't make a habit of it!  We have in fact, gained two new amphibians in our pond (I can't tell the difference between frogs n toads) and although Lara thought she had caught all the sticklebacks and returned them to the would seem 3 evaded her net and we now have lotsa babies!!!!!  Our tadpoles (frogs, toads & newts) are all getting big and will soon be ready to leave the nest (wet one) and I am not feeling broody at all LOL

    OK enough about me, as interesting as I am (and so modest I hear you cry)........I was getting a tad worried Carol and I am really glad to hear you are slowly feeling better.  At least well enough to put your onc in his place.

    Just don't go overdoing it, we know your almost invincible......but even superhero's need their rest.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Mate,

    Didnt drop you a message in case you wherent feeling to good.

    Glad to see you out in the garden,as long as you dont over do it.

    Meggies going to see the vet tomorrow evening. Will

    let you know whats happening.

    You Look after yourself Big Hugs Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

                  Thought you had been a bit quiet! So sorry to hear you weren't feeling so good,aithough it sounds like the old Kezzer is on her way back. Wish you lots of luck on Thursday when I am sure your Onc will give you the information you need( if he knows whats good for him).

                   Thinking of you,

                      Lots of love,

                           lizzie xx

    PS  Love the bit about being treated like a mushroom!