Kezzerbird......out clubbing!!!!!!! again!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Yesterday I was in bed by 4 feeling drained as you do after a long day having chemo, I have so much to do around the house but I have learned from the last time round that when your body says rest, that is exactly what you do and after all the world doesn't stop turning if the housework isn't done!!!!! I woke up a 2 this morning a put on my glad rags and when up to the club,my place of work (when I am in remission again) I felt like I had been run over by a bus, but when the bird decides to do some thing she does. I am so glad I did, loads of hugs and kisses flying around and a good laugh, it has perked me up alot. Left the club and got home a 4.30 and fell into my bed with a big smile on my face. The one thing I have notice since having my portacath put in, is that I am feeling worse after having chemo than I did before when it was going through my veins, it is making me wonder if I was getting the correct dose, who knows!!!! Well I shall see how I feel today and may have a bash at the house work. Love and hugs to those that want them as always.....Carol xx

  • Well duh, thought I posted a nice message thanking you for being you and inspiring the rest of us.  You deserve all the best from your treatment, a wonderful summer and - a miracle maybe - a truly awesome oncologist.

    You're in my thoughts and prayers.

    Chrissie x

  • FormerMember

    hey kezzxie...when you feel tired put your fert up and a a dvd or listen to some me , you hate sitting around doing nothing im sure....i use to sit on the floor and shuffle about on my bum with the hoover as i hated not being able hoover up...but i learnt the hard way...we must rest when we need to rest..if yoy feel to tired to walk about..hire a little scooter of a wheelchair..i id that in the end when i couldnt walk far.....

    what ever you do..


    yup i know you will but i need you to be i need all the genuine people to be fine...

    huge hugs to you...

    youl get there in the end kezzie....

    cancer ?   what cancer ???


    your gonna be fine kezzie....i just know you are...

    hugs xx