Kezzerbird.....Oh well!!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

No the Bird hasn't dropped off the face of the earth, I felt like I wanted to, but I can't be bothered with any crap being chucked at me, after all I am to busy kicking cancers arse!! The new chemo doesn't seem too bad, I've parted with the contents of my stomach a few times and only lost a little skin off my hands and feet but the old E45 cream seems to help that. My hair is still in tact and it may get thinner but I have very thick hair, so that isn't a problem either. The home front OH WELL.......Kev is spending his spare time on face book chatting and I am working on my book, he is full of self pity and seems to be looking for sympathy, funny really, I have never looked for or wanted anyone to feel sorry for me but you know what, I could have sworn it was me that had my insides removed, nearly died and have been poisoned 18 times and have the cancer but i don't recall going to the shop and buying an illness that will kill me sooner rather than later. Or did I !!!!!!! I think where I went wrong was in 2008 when I didn't die and should have and I have this terrible habbit of not conforming to the rules of life, but then I never have and I do tend to hit rock bottom and then bounce back like some one has put a rocket up my arse, but i stupidly thought he loved me enough to be there for me. I was wrong. Kev wants to run a mile and to be quite honest I want him too, I have tried the 'cancer go away' bit and that didn't work, bugger!!!! so I guess I am stuck with it but that doesn't stop me giving my cancer a hard time OH NO and I am lucky, i have my kids and my grand kids and wonderful friends to keep me going. Just have to remember where i left my sense of humour!!!!! love and hugs to those who want them...Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, glad to hear you are kicking ass on chemo but not glad that Kev is an A---hole!!!!!Put yourself first

    Take Care Love Kaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Carol, well my lovlie I don't really know what I can say that hasn't been said.

    When I first joined this site you were there for me, giving me encouragement and making me smile and sometimes laugh out loud, I sent you a pm saying that you were just like a ray of sunshine in a dark cloudy world. I still feel that way, I don't think I've ever come across a braver or more selfless person before.

    There are lots of wonderful people on here but there is only one Kezzer, we love you for who you are and all you do for everyone.

    Take care,

    much love and hugs.

    Vee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    hiya kezz - first a great big (((HUG))) -

    i think ....... and i may be wrong ..... but i think kevs scared ..... of everything you are going thro

    also you say you are working on your book so is he on fb so as to not interrupt you?

    its just that sometime mr N has said oh do you want laptop ? after hes switched it on .....  then he grabs remote n puts sport/antique roadshow or nature programmes on .....i fall for it everytime !

    tell kev you want a hug that you need a hug

    sometimes we (women) are too strong for our own good

    as i said hun - i might be totally wrong ...........

    ......oh ...and hows the book coming on?

    more (((HUGS)))


  • FormerMember

    Hi mate, it's 1.51am and I have been lying here in bed trying to come up with some wonderful inspiretional words for you, you are such a strong kick ass person, and cope with so much, in 2008 my Dave fell to pieces  when we were told I was dying, luckily I have lived long enough for him to be able to talk about it, a big part of it is guilt that it's me and not him, and that he's still not been able to get a job back in the u.k. We're supposed to grow old together he'll say and your going to leave me is another, I could go on but I won't bore you truth is he can't cope with the idea of lfe without me, and ( I think) he started the mourning already..... With this recurrence he seems to be coping a lot better and is here if not in body but every other way, so I have hope for your keV to come round, I imagine he is going through the same as Dave, women are definitely the stronger sex, men ( ok not all of them) can't cope with emotions like we can, Dave was in the first gulf war for god's sake he's my hero, but he can't cope with me being ill......I hope he does wise up carol, I know you need him to, I think he wants to,....keep on fighting mate, and please go to lanzy's party,me and Jo will be there and are looking forward to seeing you

    Love and big (((((((((( hugs))))))))

    Liz xxxxxx