Kezzerbird may have to keep her clothes on after all!!!!

1 minute read time.

Well my lovely mates out there in Mac land, I have stuck to my guns and it seems the hospital are going to try and go ahead with my wishes. My onc is back from his hols which he enjoyed (Oh I am glad!) and wanted to know why I wanted a Portacath instead of a Hickman.. When I get back in remission and I will, I know that my cancer will come back and that the Hickman is best for short term treatment and not for long term and I also told him when he said that he would have to justify it, that I would be down stripping in protest if I didn't get my port. He agreed with my reasons and has to sort it all out. He is not to concerned about the delay in my chemo and told me that I shouldn't be bloating on my treatment and if it continues to get back to him. So now I just have to wait, not a problem. See, I have said it before and I shall say it again 'Being a bad tempered old bag' can help and not letting people walk all over you. I have a voice and I am not afraid to use it......Kezzerbird 2     cancer 0    medical team 0

Love and hugs to those that want them.......Carol x

  • FormerMember

    hi kezzerbird.

    mum has a portacath, and although it is ugly, it makes the treatment fast which meant she was in and out of the day ward in a short time. I really hope you punch this through and that it works out for you. Still wouldn't it be hilarious if you did have to strip in progress. Might even reach the papers! Let us know what happens.

    lal x

  • FormerMember

    Well done you!! You are such an inspiration of how we should all face this awful time...I have been a memeber but never confident enough to post before...but you are truely an inspiration...from someone with a terminal diagnosies xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    P.S Kick some Butt

  • Brill.... with knobs on!

    Bestest wishes....


  • FormerMember

    Well done Carol - you stick to your guns. I can feel them quaking from here! Val X

  • FormerMember

    I won't be convinced until the portacath is in and running mind, this one sits in under the skin with nothing on the outside, the Hickman is the one with the upside down y that hangs out of you chest (been there and done that one). I really hope they don't try and cop out of this, there is nothing worse than a bad tempered, bald, naked Kezzerbird...believe me!!!!