Kezzerbird...major humour failure

1 minute read time.

The day before for PICC line, no go my veins are shot, recommendation, port in problem

Yesterday hospital again to have blood taken, success on second attempt, saw the cancer nurse and that was like talking to a brick wall, told her my veins are buggered and asked about CT scan due after 3rd chemo, total blank! Asked about stomach swelling, again total blank, saw a girlie doctor who was also blank and as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Went home with the knowledge that I would be getting chemo on day ward and had to be there at 8 am for the day, got a phone call to say they had a bed for me on the ward also! UM

Today....two attempts to put cannula in, small vein found, 15 minutes of fluids in, vein burst, Oh what a surprise! Four more attempts to insert cannula,,total failure so my treatment can't be given even though I need it. My consultant is away until Monday, so the staff are going to push for the port, I could have a Hickman in (had one last time) but the port is suitable for on going treatment and the risks of infection are very low and of course it would stay in situ for possibly ever BUT it all boils down to money, Isn't a life cheap these days, needless to say I don't know if I want to shout, scream, cry or hit something, all I am trying to do is survive, like the rest of us and these assholes just don't listen. I know me, I know my body and as the port nurse said with the amount of chemos and the strength of the 10 I had last time round, it is no wonder my veins can't take it. I am so angry.....Rant and hugs to those who want Carol xx

  • FormerMember

    I dont know or even start to know how you must be feeling,not too good by the sounds of it.

    But whatever you do Pal dont lose that sense of Humour,that fighting spirit the caring and the Love you have so much of. I can only tell you we are all with you through these bad times.Thinking and caring and sending you most of all BIG HUGS and KISSES.XXX

    Take Care and be safe Love Sarsfield.XXX

  • Carol it must have been like talking to yourself except you would know the correct answers, sorry its a bad day or two, cannot see how cost should be an issue at the start of the new financial year. My team always said cost would not be an issue only was it approved by NICE which everything was. Hope you get your treatment soon and once the port is in the next time you see those useless ******* you can drop your pants and let them kiss your tattoo ha ha

    take care hugs and strength to you


  • FormerMember

    Thanks Jackie and John....I fought 5 cancers and the hospital in 2008 and had hoped not to have to fight both again. What worries me is that I have a gob and I am not afraid to use it but what the hell happens to those who can't speak up?

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry you're having this hassle Carol. Like you say it beggars belief that there are so many who would just be walked over in your situation.  You keep that gob going girl, we'll have a posse behind you all the way.

    And tell that consultant, no more being away til you're sorted!

    Bad Fairy xxx

  • Hi again ... I know what you mean if you don't shout & challenge then you just become part of the system. Its our bodies and I always told them so long as they kept my best interests at the fore then I would do all I could and that was the contract we had. They never let me down but it did come close after treatment as the consultant was just going to send me for radiotherapy and I only would have it if  it was really necessary and explained I would have to be convinced by other specialists. Fortunately I made the right call and am 6 months in remission now. It is wrong though when you have to fight, as you need all your energy to kick ass re cancer not numpties.

    You have always amased me so keep it up and take no prisoners
