Kezzerbird........JOY JOY and some!!!!!

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Happy days are here again, the sun is shining clear again ( I hope you are all singing along? ) La La La !!!!!!! My 3rd chemo was given to me today through my brand new portacath and Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it was bliss! Had a great day which started with the hospital transport actually turning up, got to the hospital on time, my bloods were spot on and fluids started at 9.30 (slight hiccup, no one knew what size gripper was needed !) and everything went through well, I was done and dusted by 5.30, had all my meds ready for me and even got insulted by my oncologist, made a new mate who lives near me, we exchanged numbers and also had a laugh............................was it all a dream?.........No it  was real, Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  Love and hugs to those that want them....Carol xx 

  • FormerMember

    Lovely to hear you so upbeat me 'andsome, glad things are going well for you, you will win the fight.

    Tony xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Where do you get the strength and all that happiness you have inside? Myself and MrsS are so thrilled that things look to be on the up.

    We can actually feel your Joy and Happiness. Its just the Kezzers knack of making all her friends feel good. Long may it continue Bird.

    You take care and be safe and JOY JOY and Some.

    Love and big Hugs. Jackie and Mrs S.XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, If chemo is bliss then what do you do for pleasure ??? You are a tough nut allright !!

    Love Bill xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Do you know guys you are right, I sound like a sadist who enjoys pain, well it would to those who have never been through cancer treatment! There have been so many cock ups throughout my treatment since 2008 and I have had to growl at so many idiots along the way and that is where the joy and pleasure comes in (that is my excuse and I am sticking to it !!!!!) My strength comes from having to watch and help nurse my dad dying of cancer when I was 12 years old, back then there was no help and my dad was my hero and I was going the same way and something clicked inside me and I fought like a mad woman, it wasn't going to have me like that, well not without one hell of a fight at least and the happiness comes from the fact I should have died in 2008 and I managed to pull through and had a wonderful year in remission and finally knew what life is really all about (I am obviously a slow learner !!!) I love life and I love laughter and it will take more than this s**t to take that away from me until I say it can. Right I am getting off my soap box now LOL!!!!! One more thing my lovely friends, if I can make one of you guys smile when you are having a crap day, then that make me feel pleasure. Right on bird!!!

  • FormerMember

    Hey Carol,

    So glad to hear that the port is making a huge difference to your treatment, anyone reading would have thought you had spent the day at a spa not getting poisoned LOL

    Here's to the rest of the treatment going as well.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx