Kezzerbird...Could have been worse

1 minute read time.

Hi guys..first of all thank you as always for your incredible support. What a stressful day it has been but the news is ok. My tumours have grown only slightly and so far only my right kidney has been killed off by the cancer but the left one is clear and my other vital organs are safe for now, I also have new tumours but I knew that anyway. They were going to restart treatment but have decided that my body can't take it right now seeing I have survived so much hard chemos for so long. The plan is now to let me rest and regain strength both mentally and physically and be checked every month by bloods and how I feel, I must say that I am happy with this  and now all I have to do is try and pick myself upoff the floor and slowly find some energy and carry on reaching for those goals that I made. I do feel like a train has hit me at the moment but I am glad to be able to say that to you guys and know that it is ok to feel that way. You guys have given me so much strength over the last 3 years and even though most of us will never meet, you guys are the best friends I have ever had and are very important to me and I will be there for you as long as I can. The only thing today that has been upsetting is that Kev my ex who is riddled with guilt will not leave me alone and I have made it clear that it is too late and has thrown up the past to my daughter of something that happened when she was 14, she is now 31 and the best daughter I could wish for, he comes on this site, I don't need or want anymore stress from anywhere, I want to enjoy what is  the rest of my life in peace so this needs to stop. Right my friends I need to go and lay down and unwind. It is the start of a new day tomorrow and time for some Kezzerbird arse kicking to start. Thank you guys so very Carol xx

I am not dying of cancer, I am living with it

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol

    I'm really happy to hear you sounding back to your pugnacious self! Keep it up as soon as you feel rested enough. i was rung late last night by the cancer nurse to say that they had decided to do a CT scan and I would be contacted in 3-4 weeks with a date for that. The signs from the bloods are good but they want to check hos good the effects of the chemo have been on the liver and also check my head as I have had a few headaches. I did say that I had had headaches ever since I was diagnosed with spondlosis in the top of the spine18 years ago and thought it was my sleeping position but she said better safe than sorry. True, I suppose.

    Keep improving we need you as n inspiration!



  • FormerMember

    great to read that it could have been worst that is what i love about your blogs even the scary one have a glint of there is a light at the end of the tunnel ,

    i  just hope that your ex gets the message and gives you the space that you so deserve xx

  • FormerMember

    great news hun now get tha foot kicking the arse of the bugger and get your strenghth back you are my inspiration and im not standing for this off you anymore girl lol hark at me eh as for your ex well what can you say too little too late tough hes full of guilt should havent been riddled with it in the first place if he was a decent person anyways enough of him and hope you get some peace girl loads of love jen xxxx

  • This was good news carol so rest and get strong for the treatment xxxmavis

  • This was good news carol so rest and get strong for the treatment xxxmavis