Kezzerbird.....come on Henry!!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

Hello from vomit city and the Bird, to  be honest I have looked and felt better than I do at the moment BUT I too have looked and felt worse than I do right now, so I must not grumble (well I can if I want he he!!!!) Well dear ole Henry has let me down, some what and for those who haven't got a clue what the hell I am on about, Henry is my stoma!!!!!! So today it is Vindaloo, cabbage and a tin of prunes and if that doesn't work, I give up!!!!!! So what has been going on at the Birds house.......WELL.....besides spending time with my head down the toilet and my butt up in the air, I have been pottering in the garden admiring my veggie that are all growing well, my new baby cockatiel chick is doing really well and now spits and frizzes at me when I go near it, oh bless! Kezzer my African grey is happily still swearing at me from down in the avairy!, Charlotte my tarantula is growing, she spun an amazing web the other day, it was like a silk carpet, very nice and Monty my python actually had a mouse the other day after not eatting for months and my dog is still crazy, all the other animals are doing well too. Right on that note, the contents of my stomach are wishing to depart, so I am off to the great white telephone!!!! Love and hugs to those that want them......Love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    vindaloo-cabbage n punes ....... no wonder u r sick!

    seriously - hope u soon stop calling for huey

    glad to hear the menagerie all good

    ttfn xNx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Sorry you are still throwing up and that Henry appears to be sulking. Hope you are soon feeling better.. I'm sure the combination of vindaloo and prunes will have an effect, if not one way then the other! xx