Kezzerbird,Charotte,The wigs stand and all!!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I am still laughing this morning after a night out at the club, I got home at 4.45, it was daylight and the black birds were giving it wellie and I, even though my boss brought my drinks all night for me, because I am lovely!!!! I returned sober!!!!! Up the stairs I went and there was Charotte in her tank looking very chilled out, she kind of looked at me with several eye balls as to say 'Where the hell have you been', I lovingly looked upon the 8 very hairy legs and thought to myself 'If I don't acheive very much today, I must shave my legs!!!!!!!' Sitting here this morning with a smile on my face after reading your comments from my last blog, I love the parts which says that Kev must really love me because of his fear of spiders.....the one thing that scares him more is the bird when upset!!!!!!LOL. I was given the gift of being able to bore holes through any hard materials and not having to open my mouth to let the other person know that I am not happy HE he! That is what makes me a good bouncer!!!!. Kev as just returned with a small tank for the crickets that will be Charlottess food, oh yummy I suppose, so it will be interesting trying to catch some tonight, I shall proberly have crickets all over the house, but hey ho!!! I shall lovingly look into Charottes eight eyes and bid her good night after giving her some supper later and marval at her beauty, I hope she feels the same way about me, after all have a stoma bag blowing up and down which is stuck to my side and a scar from my ribs down to my boots and a lumpy portacath poking out under my skin on my chest and hairy legs too, but i am still beautiful LOL.....Love and hugs to those who want them as always.......Carol xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Nice one Carol, you really have a knack for making people laugh. A good start to my day.

    Hope you have a lovely day and never mind the hairy legs, I'm sure if you asked Charlotte she would say it was the fashionable look.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    aint gonna get any disagreement with ya being beautiful or lovely from me.......I don't fancy having any bore holes.  Four bolts in me bonce is enough for me!

    Glad you and Charlotte (such a pretty name for a fear-inspiring creature) are getting on.  I shaved my legs yesterday too, only cos I wanted to wear 3/4 length trousers LOL

    Have a good day Carol.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    That's why Kev loves you, cos you're beautiful!  You've made me smile this morning and the thought of you chasing crickets all over the house is funny too.

    My mum once had a friend who kept a big lizard (can't remember what sort) which climbed up her curtains.  She used to feed it on fly's eggs and she opened the door of the room one morning to find that every single egg had hatched into bluebottles!  Yuk!  

    Hope you manage to catch a few of those crickets for Charlotte.

    Love and *hugs*

    Marjorie x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Debs...I still love ya, bolts an all !!!!! and Christine..making you guys laugh is what its all about, we don't tend to have much to laugh about, I shalln't be laughing after 10 hours of chemo tomorrow BUT the humour will return!!!! xx

  • FormerMember

    oh kezzer you do it every time, and i know ive said it before but id love to bottle what you have , their is very few people that make me smile like you do and debs :) ,,

    nothing matters , not how you look, what you got , god i learn t that the hard way, but beauty is from within and pretty much all our friends on here have that beauty, kindness and compassion, and most off all the gift to raise a smile is precious ,

    but plz dont send charlotte to me for a visit ,she may make me laugh but only from a distance , i bet i can run faster than debs with a spider near me :) hugs to you all  xxx