Kezzerbird...Armed and dangerous!!!!!!!

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I wore myself yesterday getting together my battle plan for sorting out my medical team. Kev, my other half was grinning like a cheshire cat while I sat there bouncing up and down on the chair with a purple face giving it what for, he said 'Its so good to see you fighting again, god help em my ansome' So now it is Monday and I have to wait for my Mac nurse Mike to get in touch with me about this very important scan that those pillocks have forgotten about and I soooooooooooooooo hope that my onc isn't going to suggest that I have more of the treatment that I have just finished because they don't think it is working, if he does, his ass will be grass and I'm gonna mow it!!!!!!!!!! I will blog tomorrow and let you guys know what happend, we shouldn't have to fight for the right to live and this is one mouth piece that won't keep quiet. Love and hugs to those who want them...The purple faced Kezzerbird Carol xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey, good to see the old fighting spirit coming back.

    Give them what for at that hospital tomorrow.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    go bounce em all on the bonce ....... n tell em ur maccy mates are right behind you ......  xoxNxox

  • FormerMember

    omg I love that saying "his ass will be grass and I will be mowing it".....gonna try to remember that but as you know......brain tumour patients have a habit of forgetting things!

    Battle plans you need any troops deployed in Essex?  I have a crap aim, no inbuilt compass and apt to get lost or forget where I was going but........ Private Dorey is ready for duty (also hate breaking my nails since I gave up work and they've grown LOL).

    Good the team not you Kezzer cos boy are they gonna need it :)

    Love ya

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    hi carol

    it makes me so angry who do these people think they are. if i lived near you i would be down there kicking ass with you. take care hugs to you love sharon xx

  • FormerMember

    Just knew that after a little rest the fighting Kezzer would be back with all guns blazing! We are totally with you Carol and I hope that you get the best treatment really soon.

            Take care,

              Lots of love,

                    lizzie xx