Kezzerbird...Armed and dangerous!!!!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

I wore myself yesterday getting together my battle plan for sorting out my medical team. Kev, my other half was grinning like a cheshire cat while I sat there bouncing up and down on the chair with a purple face giving it what for, he said 'Its so good to see you fighting again, god help em my ansome' So now it is Monday and I have to wait for my Mac nurse Mike to get in touch with me about this very important scan that those pillocks have forgotten about and I soooooooooooooooo hope that my onc isn't going to suggest that I have more of the treatment that I have just finished because they don't think it is working, if he does, his ass will be grass and I'm gonna mow it!!!!!!!!!! I will blog tomorrow and let you guys know what happend, we shouldn't have to fight for the right to live and this is one mouth piece that won't keep quiet. Love and hugs to those who want them...The purple faced Kezzerbird Carol xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Purple hair! Purple face. WHat a colour co-ordinated Kezzerbabe you are. Give 'em hell and if that fails we will mount a leaflet campaign "Macland says NO to negligent onco teams." followed by a poster campaign. If that fails we'll bomb the bastards!!!!

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember


    Sounds like you are back on line, and ready to kick arse.... go for it girl, we are all right behind you.  And the doc that forgot to ask for the scan also needs mowing!  (hope you don't have a 6 week wait!).

    Keep on fighting

    Love n hugs


  • FormerMember

    We all hope, for their sakes,  that your scan is fitted in & your onc. has come up with something new & effective for you. I have followed your bloga  without comment & am in awe of your spirit . You support so many ,we are all in your corner in regulation purple teashirts. Good luck today .

    go for it love


  • Right behind you, my 'andsome (West-Country speak lol). If I was on your onc team I'd be shivering in my boots!

    Cyber hugs,


  • FormerMember

    Good Luck I know you will beat the buggers. Hope all go's well. Love Julie X