Kezzerbird and the Tarantula!!!!!

1 minute read time.

I have never been the best person on the planet to upset, I admit and when someone gets up my nose, they know about it big time. I am laughing my head off at the moment and here is the reason why!!!!!

Kev my other half aka happiness on a stick aka the wigs stand, threw a wobberly big style the other day because the hose pipe wouldn't work, he almost took the front door off the hinges when he slamed it behind him and went to the pub leaving me in cronic pain,(I don't do stress now) when he came back I went mad and told him to sod off, I had enough WELL today he came home from work with a present for me......a tarantula ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he hates spiders, I love them and have always wanted one but couldn't because he is terrified of them!!!! HE HE HE! I have called her Charlotte after the book Charlottes Web which I first read when I was five years old, she is beautiful, she is fairly big now but as some growing to do yet, I love it...................I love elephants also, maybe I will end up with one of those next time he upsets the bird!!!!!!!!! Most women get flowers, I get a bloody big spider, how cool is that she says while laughing, it could only happen to me!!!!! Love and hugs to those who want them.....Carol xxx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Carol, you made so many laugh,  please please dont mistake charlotte for you wig and put on the wig stand,unless he upsets you again XXX

  • FormerMember

    You are a tonic Carol!  I don't mind spiders but not sure I could cope with Charlotte, however, what a fantastic gesture.  Kev sure loves you!  CarolineXX

    PS if you get a chance to take a photo and post it I'd love to see Charlotte!

  • FormerMember

    hi carol, like several on here i absolutely HATE spiders lol if mick came home with 1 it would be instant divorce!!! lol, but this blog has given me the real laugh that i needed so ...thanks everyone one on here, you can always count on being given a lift when you need it, love to you all take care sue xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Thats super cool, thanks for the laff!! x